Business Accelerator Package
with Get Known Get Paid Mentor Nancy Juetten

I’ll work 1-one-1 with you during 3 private Zoom Conference Calls to guide you to address urgent needs you have in your business that need the benefit of private coaching to address.

If you find yourself nodding YES to any of these challenges, this package could be an answer to a prayer for you!

  1. I can’t write a client attracting bio to save my life. I’m bored to tears with all the drafts I’ve come up with up until now .
  2. I can’t quite figure out my fastest path to cash, and I know that selling my books one at a time isn’t going to get me to my income goal.
  3. My media one sheet is falling flat and hasn’t attracted the attention I need to get booked on podcasts.
  4. Help me brainstorm an irresistible call to action that my ideal clients will gladly opt in to receive and build the follow up system that will nurture those new leads to become clients quickly.
  5. Please help me structure a 20-minute talk I can give at a moment’s notice that will deliver my best content AND invite a call to action

You tell me where it hurts, and I’ll bring in the relief!

As the Get Known Get Paid Mentor, a Podcast Guesting Expert, and the author of the #1 Amazon best-selling Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook, I’ve guided thousands of clients to address these very challenges over the last 20 years to bring in the results.  Most clients want to attract more inbound client inquiries, new leads, new connections, new conversations and collaborations that turn into the beautiful music of ka-ching in their shopping carts.

If these are results you are excited to welcome, sooner versus later, I’d be delighted to work with you in a one-on-one way to deliver the relief to problems that may be stealing your time without easing your aggravation.

Enough of that already.  It’s time for us to get to work!

You’ll get 3 45-minute sessions.

You can also bundle all three sessions into a VIP half day if that suits your learning style best. 

All sessions will be recorded, and you’ll get the replays. 

I always find a way to go the extra mile and exceed your expectations. That’s just the way I roll.

There are only 5 spots available.

Please act quickly to ensure your place to work privately with Nancy in this way.


Bonuses to Honor Your Decisive and Timely Action:

In addition to the strategic 1-on-1 sessions with Nancy, you’ll also get:

• A Critique of Your Bio, Media One Sheet, and your Irresistible Lead Magnet and instant messaging suggestions to make your good efforts even more powerful – how awesome to have my eyes on your message to make it even more BRILLIANT! — value:  $1997

• Lifetime Access to the Podcast Visibility Live Lab replays to guide you to book yourself on more of the right podcasts without hiring an expensive booking agency.  This includes your digital copy of the Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook so you can source inspiration and how-to guidance to make all your profiles powerful and door opening to the kinds of opportunities you desire.  — value: $297

• You can use your Business Accelerator Package within 12 months of purchase. Even if you aren’t ready right now, you can ‘bank’ the special offer so it is waiting for you to use when you are. But why would you wait when such amazing ideas await to support your success right now? — Gotta love the flexibility to meet you where you are when you are finally ready or right now — especially at today’s very special time sensitive and super attractive tuition!


YES! I want to secure my place to benefit from this special offer before we turn the page on this year!

YES! I want to be among the 5 clients who get to benefit from this very special offer to work privately with Nancy in a short hop way.

Your Wise Investment: $3500