BELLINGHAM, Wash., June 26, 2020 — Speakers, experts and authors who once relied on live, in-person events to make money have had to pivot quickly to bring their messages online because of the limitations brought on by the COVID 19 Pandemic. That’s why Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook Author and Business Bio Expert Nancy Juetten says that now is a crucial time to update business bios, speaker sheets, and media one sheets to open doors to share their messages virtually on podcasts, Zoominars, Facebook Live interviews, and other virtual platforms.

Today Juetten releases a preview to her completely updated and upgraded workbook that offers inspiration, examples, and how-to advice to transform boring bios across multiple platforms into messages that attract connections, clients, and cash.

Get a free preview of Nancy Juetten's Bye Bye Boring Bio 2020 edition

Her goal with the preview is to provide welcome and timely support to guide a fast-growing community of virtual presenters who can take time right now to make sure all their first impression messages are on the money and magnetic to welcome the opportunities they seek,” Juetten says.

“So often, speakers, experts, and authors write their bios and ‘set and forget them’ as they focus on other revenue generating activities. Life turns on a dime, as we’ve all discovered with COVID 19. That means the first impression messages we wrote back then may not be current or even relevant now. Those boilerplate bios about education, awards, and hobbies aren’t doing anyone any favors,” Juetten says.

The “about us” page on websites is among the most visited of all, and if the message doesn’t speak today’s truth and value, that could mean an opportunity lost.

Target markets change, products, programs and services change, and the way we deliver our messages change. Bios need to change, too

Juetten’s preview for Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 includes:

  • 8 tips to create know-like-trust at first glance;
  • Bio, media one sheet, and sizzling speaker sheet examples;
  • The Signature Talk Delivery Cheat Sheet; and
  • Instant access to a video training to explain how to make the most of a virtual talk, even when there is just 20 minutes to stand and deliver.

The preview is available as a free digital download.

Visit for instant access.

The full workbook includes access 11 videos, 2 audios, and additional bonus resources. It is scheduled to debut September 8, 2020.

About Business Bio Expert Nancy Juetten

Since September 8, 2009, Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook Author Nancy Juetten has spoken to thousands of business owners through podcasts, radio interviews, teleseminars, and workshops about how to upgrade their bios to attract connections, clients, and cash. Satisfied customers from Boston to Florida and Austria to New Zealand report reaching more clients and inviting new engagements as a result of the bios they write with Bye-Bye Boring Bio as their guide. Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 seeks to serve as the ultimate action guide for speakers, experts, and authors to attract connections, clients, and cash while sharing their messages in today’s largely VIRTUAL world. Juetten welcomes workbook reviews, podcast interviews, and invitations to speak about transforming boring bios into client attracting magnets for today’s age of virtual speaking.

Contact: Nancy S. Juetten, , 425-641-5214