Award-winning business bio expert Nancy “The Bio Doc” Juetten will help business owners, coaches, consultants, authors, and experts who struggle to write about themselves in a way that attracts ideal clients with a free teleclass on Friday, November 2, 2012 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. PST.

Bellevue, Wa (PRWEB) November 01, 2012

Award-winning business bio expert Nancy “The Bio Doc” Juetten will help business owners, coaches, consultants, authors, and experts who struggle to write about themselves in a way that attracts ideal clients with a free teleclass on Friday, November 2, 2012 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. PST. Juetten will provide her diagnosis on how business owners can transform their weak, boring bios into strong stories that attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews.

Those who want to hear Juetten’s advice on how to heal their weak bios can listen in by visiting this link: Business owners who want to improve their stories before the call can access the first chapter of Bye-Bye Boring Bio for useful tips.

“What I call ‘Boring Business Bio Syndrome’ is a serious ailment in today’s anemic economy,” says Juetten. “Boring bios stand in the way of business owners connecting with the clients they most want to serve. My prescription can help business owners describe who they serve, what they offer, and why it matters to capture attention and build a level of trust right away. Armed with a healthier bio, they can get well on their way to attracting and serving their perfect clients in time to make 2013 a vibrant year to grow their businesses.”

Juetten, an author and speaker who is frequently quoted in the media, is the creator of proven and popular tools that show business owners how to get seen, heard, celebrated, and compensated for their expert status. Each year she trains thousands of coaches, consultants, solopreneurs, speakers, infopreneurs, and aspiring and thriving authors how to attract clients, speaking gigs, and media attention.

Recognized in 2010 among the Top 100 Home-Based Businesses by StartUp Nation, Juetten was named among the Top 100 Women in Ecommerce by WE magazine in February of 2012. Juetten’s entrepreneurial success offers encouraging proof that somewhat introverted messengers on missions for good can make big impact in the marketplace if they just step out from behind the curtain to speak their truth and “share their own brand of wow right now.”

Juetten tested out “The Bio Doc” sessions twice in October by offering them to subscribers to her newsletter list and fans of her social media profiles. Hundreds of business owners listened in to get help. Callers described her advice as on target and on the money. One caller applied her advice and signed up a $2,500 new client within days.

“A business bio is a terrible thing to waste,” says Juetten.

“If more solopreneurs and small business owners apply these bio techniques quickly, they will be on the road to personal business recovery.”

About Nancy “The Bio Doc” Juetten:

Nancy created Bye-Bye Boring Bio to guide service professionals, speakers, authors, coaches, and those serious about earning expert status to prepare and share their stories so they can prosper in the spotlight. Nancy’s clients describe her as self-esteem in a can. Betsy Gray Talbot of Married with Luggage says, “She sprays it and all the fabulous things about you that you had forgotten or didn’t think were important are in the air for everyone to see. You feel better, potential clients find you more appealing, and you look and sound like a professional. Just like that.” Contact Juetten for interviews, speaking engagements, and to make quantity purchases of Bye-Bye Boring Bio at 425-641-5214 or

Nancy Juetten
Authentic Visibility