I am taking a new DIY publicity workshop format out for a spin on Wednesday, June 24 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. in Tacoma, and I’d be honored for you to be among the first to board the Publici-Tea™ Express.

If spending a half-day or longer to learn the nitty-gritty details of DIY publicity is too much time to set aside, this new two-hour format hits the high points, offers three fabulous and high-value digital downloads to support your DIY publicity success as soon as you register, and gives you a great opportunity to connect with and possibly do business with 30 other like-minded business owners who recognize the value of doing their own publicity without spending a fortune or wasting a moment of precious time.

Why not bring together a group of your publicity-seeking business owner friends and carpool to Tacoma for what promises to be an inspiring two-hour session that will kick start your DIY publicity plans into action.  Here is the link to learn more and register.   Don’t delay because this could be the very last time I offer this event at this price.  And, you won’t want to miss out on the premium Seattle Chocolate Company truffles and ice cream from Cool Cycles Ice Cream Company.
