More on Autoresponding on Twitter — Do’s and Don’ts

I listened to an Mp3 file today about blogging best practices with Get Known Now Expert Suzanne Falter-Barns and Shama Hyder of Click to Clients, which caused me to visit Shama’s blog to see what she has brewing.  Since I’ve been writing about how...

Always Do the Right Thing – Your Online Reputation Depends On It

Now that email, social networking, Twitter, and blogging make it easy to share your thoughts, actions, and other priorities with the world, it’s essential to exercise caution with what you share. One false move or misinterpreted message, and you could inspire...

10 Tips for Blogging Your Way to Small Business Success

Run, don’t walk, to this post that offers 10 tips for blogging your way to small business success.  Blogging, social media, and Twitter are fabulous friends for any business owner who is serious about do-it-yourself publicity.  Remember, if you do what...

Want to Make Money Blogging? Here’s a Must-Visit Resource.

Are you serious about blogging?  Do you want to make money blogging?  And do you want to make sure you use your time, resources, and creativity wisely to make the most of every move you make?  If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to these...