Howard Greenstein writes the Inc. Magazine Start-Up Toolkit Blog, and his December 8 post is entitled “Promote Your Startup – Help a Reporter. Visit this link to read all about it.
As you read, notice that I am quoted within the story in connection with my very recent HARO advertising success story for Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide. What a thrill.
As I often say, one good thing often leads to another, and I couldn’t be more delighted. Thank you Peter Shankman. Thank you Howard Greenstein. Thank you everyone in the USA and the world who is buying Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide and having remarkable success. That’s what this guide is all about.
After all, why have a washed up bio when you can be a rock star fast with a few sassy soundbites and some focused effort? The New Year is coming. Come out swinging with a new bio, and welcome the abundance. If not now, then when? This could be the perfect gift for the entrepreneur on your holiday list.
As for me, getting seen, heard, and celebrated on the Inc. Magazine Startup Blog is an early holiday gift I couldn’t be more delighted to receive. Hurray.