Today my fabulous webmaster re-organized my DIY Publicity Store to make it even easier for you to find the do-it-yourself publicity training and tools you need at the value that makes sense for you and your business. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Notice that Publici-Tea™ graduates enjoy preferred rates when it comes time to Rent My PR Brain by the hour. That is a valuable benefit of participating in this very popular and high-value workshop. Keep that in mind as you evaluate your future needs. Robin “Paint Princess” Daly and I just completed one of these appointments yesterday, and she had great things to say about it.

“Thank You, Nancy! It is obvious to me that you are passionate about building buzz and generating PR for your clients! I am so excited and I feel like I now have a pathway established that I can easily build upon. You are a rock star.”
Robin Daly, Daly’s Paint & Decorating
Daly’s Website
Robin’s Blog
Design Files Blog
My webmaster also updated my Twitter page to reflect my brand and best offers. Please visit that page, too. While you are there, click to follow me so you never miss a future tweet. David Wiseman does a fabulous job, and I am happy to recommend him and his team. Visit the Twitter page because that will offer David’s contact information so you can ask him to be on YOUR team.