These Publici-Tea™ events keep getting better and better. Last Friday’s event was a sell out, and the event attracted an amazing contingent of inspired, generous business owners eager to support each other’s success through the power of publicity. Here is what my guests had to say:

“Quick start your publicity with this program that Publici-Tea™ offers. Whether you are a solo business or a marketing guru…the system and resources will help get you going and save you money.”

Rachael Costner,Women’s Resource Directory,Tacoma,


“I loved the intimacy of this event. Each guest could have his/her issues addressed. I learned three things that I can immediately implement to become a known expert in purposeful profitability.”


Audrey Godwin, CPA,, The Godwin Group, PLLC,


“As a new business owner, Nancy Juetten has given me the inspiration and confidence I need to launch my business with a ‘walk then run’ approach…I’ll be skipping the ‘crawl first’ phase.'”


Cheryl Michaels, The Color Coach,


“We knew tea was good for our health. Now those lucky enough to spend time with Nancy know Publici-Tea™ is good for our business.”


Regina Glenn,Pacific Communication Consultants Inc.,


“It’s about time someone realized that small businesses need exposure, but can’t afford it through traditional means. You have armed us with some nuts and bolts to make a difference in our businesses. This is very useful to all business owners. Many are in their first years, when marketing is vital, but money is tight.”


Lisa Pike,ScribeRight Transcription Agency,


“Nancy gave me the opportunity to get my arms around my media and public relations strategy going forward.”


Debbie Whitlock,Sound Financial Partners,


“The information presented introduced new ideas and reignited many dusty recommendations from past forays into the publicity arena. You managed to corral some wonderful simple and common sense approaches to getting results. Your presentation helped clarify, inspire and gave us the tools to create our individual plan for the results we desire.”


Craig Weindling,Smiley Dog,

This time, I asked all of my guests how they learned about this event, and I learned some valuable information.

– One of my guests saw publicity tips I posted to and was curious enough to register.

– Another saw an article written about me in the Bellevue Reporter last July and decided now was the time to register.

– One person heard me speak about the power of publicity at a presentation I made last summer for the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce.

– One person attended at the recommendation of one of my most powerful advocates.

– One person attended as my special invited guest because having a talented freelance writer in the room is a fabulous value to offer to guests and a great way to serve a writer seeking quality assignments.

-Seven guests are people I have met at local business networking events.

This is proof positive that the actions we all take to build the buzz about our expertise DO make a difference over time. Everyone differs in their readiness to get into action, but people do most definitely take notice of information that offers the potential to help their businesses grow.

publici-teaSpeaking of which, the next Publici-Tea™ is set for Friday, May 16 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at my lovely Bellevue home. Zita Gustin, social networking expert, will be my special guest with insights to share to empower buzz building via social networking. And, Betsy Talbot’s “Blogging from Start to Finish” special report will be included among the day’s powerful materials to lend even more fuel to your buzz and publicity building efforts. Register at this link to secure your place. Why not attend with your mastermind partner, best colleague, business coach or CPA? Then, you can serve as accountability partners, long after the Publici-Tea™ concludes. Only seven spots remain before this event sells out, so act today.