Jean Thompson With just a day between now and Valentine’s Day, you may be wondering which brand of chocolates to choose for your sweetie.  If you want to know the CEO behind Seattle Chocolate Company as you make your choice, check out this engaging YouTube video featuring Jean Thompson.  Here is the convenient link:

Chocolate Queen Jean Thompson Shares her Passion for Seattle Chocolate Co.

Video is a powerful way to share your message and make it easy for people near and far to get to know what you stand for, what you care about, and why your product, service, cause, or idea is worth standing behind.  The internet is hungry for new content every day, and video content stands out above the rest because it is just so darn engaging.

If you have been wondering how to get started telling your story in this powerful way, Carol Carini of Billabong Studios in Auburn, WA can be your new best friend.  Whether you pursue an interview of Biz Talk with Zita or find another video solution that is a perfect fit for your message, video is something to consider if telling your story beyond your own backyard is a priority.  And you’ll be surprised at how affordable this can be.

I engaged Carol to produce videos for me so I could spread the do-it-yourself publicity message, and the 2videos have invited new invitations to speak to large groups, new radio station interviews, new clients, and new Publici-Tea™ Workshop registrations.   What I know for sure is that “getting to yes” has been a lot easier since I made it easier for people to get to know me and my DIY publicity expertise from the convenience of their desktops.  In these times especially, that is a beautiful thing.

Check out Jean’s interview and enjoy as she shares some of her savvy marketing insights and product development inspirations that have contributed to delicious growth at the chocolate company known for making it easy for women everywhere — and the people who love them — to treat themselves to “What Happiness Tastes Like™” everywhere they live, work, and shop.  You can also buy delicious and exquisitely packaged chocolates conveniently online.  Enjoy!