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Nancy Juetten016

The fan mail has been flowing from today’s teleclass with PR Leads Founder Dan Janal and Extreme Bio Makeover Expert Nancy Juetten.  Here are some of the comments received so far:
“Great seminar.  Came away with a lot of info and I’ll be “starting up the vacuum” right away.  Thank you.”
— Teri Blaschke

“Awesome information. I’m very excited about your product. I’ve known Dan for years and he only shares the best people with us. Thanks so much.”

— Sande Roberts,The Sisters: Real Life Skills,Sister #1, Relationship Diva

“Well said and great teleconference.  I am in marketing and have attended a lot of these that have little new or information that is useful.  I should have known that Dan would not lead me astray! Thanks again, Lisa.”

— Lisa Hamaker, Kaliday Marketing

“Very informative session. I was one of the 10 people to order your book. Will do the work and look forward to 10 minutes with you!”

— Irina Firstein

Speaking of which, I made a pretty compelling offer during the call that got quite a few people into action.  As a listener to the reply, you can benefit, too!

Nancy’s Two High Value Offers to Reward Those Who Act Today

Nancy’s 10-10-10 Offer

If you already know that your bio needs to transform from wallpaper to wow to attract more clients now,  be among the first ten people to treat yourself to the popular and well-reviewed second edition of the Bye-Bye Boring Bio program (just $47!) and you will benefit from a 10-minute laser coaching session with me to transform your best effort bio draft to a higher level of fabulous.  The only catch is that you have to sent me your draft on or before December 10, 2010 because I want you to start the new year with a NEW YOU on paper so you can attract all the clients you want!

147 More Great Ideas for The Next 147 to Act

And, for the next 147 people to engage in any of my bio programs or services — the Extreme Bio Makeover or the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Workshop — you will receive 147 powerful etips to boost business and profit from free publicity as my high value gift to you.    All these services are explained at the DIY Publicity Store, which you can easily access when you visit the link below.
Remember, it all comes down to first preparing your story and then sharing your story.  With a great bio and road tested tips that show you the way, you are just a few essential action steps away from attracting all the clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews you need to profit from your own expert status.  Why wait a moment longer?

Here is the link to make your purchases now.
Please do.  Your satisfaction is always guaranteed.


Are you ready to take your next step to get seen, heard, celebrated and COMPENSATED for your expert status?. Let Extreme Bio Makeover Expert Nancy Juetten make it easy for you. Read on to learn what happy clients are saying about the Extreme Bio Makeover service, and make your appointment today.
What are you waiting for! Treat yourself to a strategic tool for your business that will pay dividends as soon as you share it with the world. You’ll be glad that you did.

Done For You

Don’t Agonize It. Nancitize It!

Why agonize when you can energize and italicize your bio and invite more of the right opportunities your way, while enjoying the confidence, time savings, and ease of always being ready for your next media interview!
It’s easy when you make your Extreme Bio Makeover appointment with Bio Whisperer Nancy Juetten. With your thoughtful input, she’ll deliver the rock star story you need to build and make the most of your expert status now.

Scores of happy clients rave about how well Nancy coaxes their best bios out of them in short order. You will, too.

  • You gain access to a specialist who is passionate about supporting your success and opening new doors to recognition and compensation for you and your business by telling your story in a memorable, magnetic, and compelling way.
  • You get seen, heard, and celebrated with well chosen words that you may have been struggling to find on your own.
  • You enjoy the process and are thrilled with the results!

Ready to schedule your appointment? Here is how this popular service works.
1) Invest wisely in this very personal service by paying by credit card at the convenient link below.
2) Receive by return email several helpful articles and short blurb bio examples that guide you to consider and share what sets you and your products, service or cause apart in today’s demanding marketplace. Then, send your quality input by return email to Remember, quality input on your part is ESSENTIAL in order to receive quality output.
3) During your LIVE phone appointment with Nancy, she’ll ask some quality questions to get to know you and your immediate needs. Then, she will invest quality time to write your quality bio for you.
It’s just that simple!
Why settle for a boring and boilerplate description of who you are and what you do when a really great alternative is just one appointment with Nancy away!
More importantly, what is it costing you in lost new client and media opportunities NOT to have a winning bio ready and working hard for you and your growing business right now?
If you are fed up, fired up and ready to take action to transform your boring, boilerplate, and bland bio to the rock star status of which you and your expertise are so worthy, schedule your Extreme Bio Makeover appointment today.
Appointments are held on Thursdays and Tuesdays during one of these convenient time slots:

9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

It’s Your Story. Engage Nancy to Help You Tell It Well!

You’ll be glad that you did.

Beverly Boston

I am Beverly Boston, a Cross-cultural, International Business Master Coach & Mentor, Expert Wake up from Autopilot Facilitator, Fuelled by humour and BIG Thinking!
I knew that I was not experiencing all the exposure that I could in my business. Nancy had arrived just in time. In an explosion of how-to approaches and cure-all remedies to gain visibility and credibility in business, Nancy’s voice is one of clarity, individuality, and power. Her approach is simple yet profound. Nancy’s work is a gift that will open you up to a whole new level of being seen and heard in the world. Her makeover on my bio has had an immediate transforming effect. I am constantly told my bio is read from beginning to end, and referred to often when people call me to do business or offer me new opportunities.
Nancy Juetten has helped me find clarity on how to express my true inner brilliance and gifts, which will help me to fulfill my potential, and live more joyfully. She shared her step-by-step strategies that no one has ever told us, but once we hear them it makes perfect sense. It causes a lot of ah-ha’s! It will change your business—and your world for those of you who are ready to step into greatness. I am forever grateful to her for sharing her wisdom in the ways that she has.

“Nancy saved my bio! My bio was out of date by about two years, and I knew it needed help, I just never made time because I’m always so busy with clients or building the business. In just one short conversation with Nancy, she pulled information out of me I didn’t even know was in there! The stories and examples I shared with her were invaluable to recreating my bio. In such a short time, I came away with amazing sound bites I can use with my clients to create instant rapport and credibility. The crazy thing is that all of this information was in me the whole time, I just needed someone brilliant to evoke it from me.”

– Beverly Boston

Sara Harvey Yao

“Nancy saved my bio! My bio was out of date by about two years, and I knew it needed help, I just never made time because I’m always so busy with clients or building the business. In just one short conversation with Nancy, she pulled information out of me I didn’t even know was in there! The stories and examples I shared with her were invaluable to recreating my bio. In such a short time, I came away with amazing sound bites I can use with my clients to create instant rapport and credibility. The crazy thing is that all of this information was in me the whole time, I just needed someone brilliant to evoke it from me.”

– Sara Harvey Yao, Founder of Working with Power, Seattle, WA

Katherin Scott

“I struggled to write a compelling bio for years. When I heard Nancy Juetten on the radio, I called and hired her as soon as the interview was over. The bio Nancy wrote for me is so inviting, inspiring and spot-on! And so easy, just a warm and engaging conversation with Nancy while she worked her magic. I confidently use my new bio for my website, my books and articles, business association profiles and for the media. And business is booming!
Thanks Nancy. Your passion is also your very special talent.”
– Katherin Scott, America’s Premier Date2Mate Coach

Alison Aaughn

“It was such a pleasure to work with Nancy. She is a pro at what she does. If you want your bio to take you to the next level, hire Nancy. She makes the words jump off the page for the reader to take notice. She’s a master at making you look great. I would definitely recommend her to others.”
– Alison Vaughn, Founder & CEO, Jackets for Jobs, Inc, Co-author of the book, Inspired Style

Lisa Pike

“In an era where news, information, opinions and decisions travel at the speed of Google, your online presence has never been more influential! Your book is definitely judged by its Internet cover. The wrong photo, the wrong blurb, the wrong wording, and your potential future client will pass you by like a Picasso at a yard sale. No matter that what you have is of tremendous value to them if they don’t pick up that value from your bio. Enter Nancy Juetten and the Bye Bye Boring Bio Action Guide. With little effort, even a hack novice can have a polished, enticing, anything-but-bland marketing tool that can be tweaked as the situation demands. If you’re a wise CEO, you need to tap into Nancy’s expertise in your own bio makeover. You’ll look so good online you’ll hardly recognize yourself! Just be sure to email her your success stories as new clients beat a path to your door!”
– Principal/CEO, ScribeRight Transcription Agency, Inc


“I know what my limitations are. As a result, I often engage professional service providers. One of the hardest things to do is to talk about yourself objectively. That’s when I turned to Nancy. She’s like the ‘Bio Whisperer.’ She gets in your head and pulls the most pertinent data necessary to complete a ‘who’s who ‘ about you. I’m very happy with her work. You will be too.”
– Robert Siciliano CEO,


“Before I sought Nancy’s help I was writing up a new bio from scratch any time I was asked for one (and stressing out about it each time, too!) Nancy’s Extreme Bio Makeover netted me a bio that is LOUD and PROUD about who I am and what I have to offer. Now, instead of dreading it whenever a prospective client asks for a bio, I’m thrilled to send them what Nancy helped create. Bye-bye boring bio. Hello sassy, solid sales tool!”
— Leslie Irish Evans


“Want a world class bio? Then look no further than Nancy Juetten’s Extreme Bio Makeover! You owe it to yourself, and your future, to invest in Nancy’s system to help you look your best in print. She gave my outdated bio a fresh new look, and as a result I now encourage ALL my clients to work with Nancy!”
– Patrick Snow, International Best-Seller Author of Creating Your Own Destiny


Inspired by Nancy Juetten’s Bye-Bye-Boring Bio Action Guide and using her fabulous templates, I turned my boring bio into one that impressed even me. I then handed it to Nancy along with a few pages of eclectic, random facts about myself, my past, my business, my clients, and my likes and dislikes. In 20 short minutes, Nancy applied her magic, bio-whispering talent and transformed a pretty-good bio into a stunning, proud-to-be-me product to post on my media page. Thank you, Nancy Juetten. You rock!”
– Nina Durfee, ACC


I highly recommend Nancy Juetten for your bio makeover! It was a joy to work with an extremely competent and warm-hearted individual; a rare combination in today’s business world. Nancy has a gift of writing and has created a unique niche for professionals that aspire to have a world-class presence. Nancy will guide you through each step and create a wonderful experience of a task most people do not take pleasure in. Nancy will intuitively listen, ask probing questions and will exceed your expectations with the new biography. Wow! I was proud and elated with my new bio makeover. This was one of the best business decisions that I have made!
Lori Tsugawa Whaley

Dawn Painting

“When I first learned about Nancy’s bio makeover service, I was really worried that there wouldn’t be enough value that could be packed into the price tag. I also wondered if a total stranger could truly wrangle a compelling story from just one hour on the phone. That worry quickly dissipated. Nancy started peeling away the layers of my business to find the best bits of my story that she would use to construct my new bio. She also made me realize that there was gold hidden beneath my everyday life that she eventually used to weave a beautifully worded bio.”Nancy made the process completely effortless with her poignant questions and laid back interview style. I whole heartedly throw myself behind Nancy’s service and plan to point both colleagues and clients in her direction so they can watch their bio go from flat to fabulous.
“Thank you Nancy for not only making me sound great on paper, but FEEL great too!”
Dawn Martinello, creator
Monday Morning VA

Don Sandra Smile

“Hi Nancy. Don Burrows here, Marysville-based author of Résumés That Resume Careers. Now that I have completed my book and am beginning to market it far and wide, I continue to find new reasons to appreciate all the thought and effort you put into creating my new bio. It is an absolute night-and-day improvement over the snoozer I was using, and it will definitely play an essential role in my marketing efforts. Reflecting over our time together, what stood out most strongly for me was your ability to play with the subtleties and sensations of words. Thank you for clarifying why you chose the words you did for my mission statement. I’m glad to know I can call on your brain as needed.”
Don Burrows, Workshop Leader – Speaker – Consultant
Author of Résumés that Resume Careers,


“Nancy was amazing. We met and she helped me produce an over-the-top bio that has dramatically improved my public image. If someone else were to use her Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide or work with her one-on-one for an Extreme Bio Makeover, I’d say, ‘Don’t wait.. there is nothing to gain by waiting and only something to gain by jumping on it now.’”
– Christopher R Rugh,


“Nancy is nothing short of amazing. She can take good information and turn it into great information in a very short time. My bio is now something that really portrays me and I am proud of sharing it. For anyone having trouble expressing the right words, Nancy is your best resource. I am so grateful to have benefited from Nancy’s service and expertise!”
– Vicki Draper, Energy Healer for Pets,


“As a career woman with 30 years in the world of corporate business who is also a wife, parent, grandparent, and dedicated volunteer, I have seen, experienced and absorbed a whole lot in my life! Now that I’m also a business owner looking to grab the interest of my audience, I was frustrated to find that my bio (even after hours and hours of my seriously focused attention) had become a huge manifesto and was in dire need of an extreme makeover! Enter Nancy and her magic! In a matter minutes Nancy took the weighty manifesto I had collected, extracted the essence of me, and with flair and fun began to create a delightful, amazing and engaging view of my life and experience! Her stunning result invites me to step into a bigger, more focused, and livelier version of what is true for me and I’m excited to accept her invitation! Thanks Nancy, I couldn’t have done it without you (I know because I tried!
With Sincere Appreciation,
Anna Goldsworthy
The Possibility Detective™

YOUR Extreme Bio Makeover is Waiting!

Price $697.00
