A funny thing happened over the weekend.  I got a “Google Alert” with Bye-Bye Boring Bio in the title.  When I visited the link, neither my name nor my book were mentioned.   I decided to call the blogger to introduce myself and explore ways to start a relationship.

Mary Ellen Merrigan of ProfitMeister blogged about our conversation, and you can read her post right here.   I feel great to have reached out to connect because now I have a new friend and colleague who can help me guide others to banish boring bios forever.   There are new friends for all of us to be made in our own backyards and well beyond, and picking up the phone to start a conversation is a great way to start.

In related news, a few weeks ago, I posted my book as available for review on BloggerLinkUp.  This wonderful review debuted today on the Entrepreneur and Self Employed Business Journal.  If you have a book that is available for review, post it to www.bloggerlinkup.com and see who raises their hand to read and review YOUR book.  You can also make your submission to Dan Poynter’s Para Publishing Ezine, which enjoys readership of 41,000 authors is some stage of book creation and marketing.   You can view his most recent ezine by clicking on this PDF file:  https://parapub.com/files/newsletter/PPM-November%202010.pdf.

A post I submitted to Dan’s ezine debuted in today’s ezine, and two influential bloggers have already gotten in touch to review my book.   Just imagine what can happen for your books and other offerings when you do the same!

It sure has been rewarding to serve as my own best client as I share the news about Bye-Bye Boring Bio to the right audiences.   If ever there was a case study for the impact DIY publicity is having to guide my own company and product offerings to get seen, heard, celebrated, and compensated, what I’ve got brewing for this book is delivering the goods.

Now, if my pitch to the New York Times today results in an interview, you can bet your bottom dollar that I’ll be telling you how that came to pass.  It started first by replying to a query posted to ProfNet.com. The query for today reads as follows:

For a small-business story in The New York Times, I’m looking for businesses run by one person (solopreneurs) who use technology, tools, tips, tricks to run their business as if it was a bigger operation than it is. How do you manage all the things that need managing, and what have you found that works really well and enables you to grow without losing your sanity?

This sure sounds like me, so we’ll see what happens.  I saw the opportunity, and I jumped on it.  Now, I wait with high hopes and equally high expectations.

Do you make it a habit of jumping on the right opportunities in time to meet the stated deadlines?  It sure has been working for me! Try it and share your DIY publicity successes as they unfold.  Can’t wait to hear all about them.