One good media interview often leads to another. Debbie Whitlock, president of Sound Financial Partners, offers a case in point.  A few weeks ago, she followed up on a media query asking to speak with women who earn more than their husbands.  She was quoted in an article about this topic on  As master at building quality relationships, Debbie was also invited to comment on a story about women and estate planning with the same reporter just a few weeks later.  Here is that story link.

Here’s the part of the story that is too delicious not to share.

Debbie makes a lot of connections with lawyers, CPAs, and other professional service providers to earn the opportunity to be their quality referral partner.  Sometimes, those folks don’t take her calls or return them in a timely manner.  When the most recent story ran on, one of those professional service providers noticed.  He picked up the phone and called Debbie.

He said, “I’ve been meaning to get back to you.  Now I see that you are nationally recognized in  Perhaps I should have called before you became famous and expensive.” The two shared a laugh and had a winning conversation.  Now it looks like they will be doing business.

DIY Publicity Lesson of the Day: Favorable national publicity in prestigious media outlets often opens new doors for follow up stories in the same or other media venues, while also contributing to quality business connections in your own backyard.

Oh, by the way, now Debbie Whitlock can note in her bio that she has been interviewed by, among other prestigious media outlets.   That certainly helps set her apart from other financial advisors in a winning way, and isn’t that the big idea in the first place?

If you want to learn how to tell your story so the media will listen, sign up to attend the 9-16 Publici-Tea™ Express Workshop taking place at Seattle Design Center.   Steve MacDonald, noted social media expert, will be my VIP guest presenter as we delight publicity-seeking business owners with essential tips, resources, and inspiration to earn their own publicity without spending a bundle or wasting a moment of precious time.  Join us!