If you missed last week’s teleseminar about becoming an expert, take heart. You can listen in by clicking on the play button below at your 24/7 convenience. It’s a free audio file. Kathleen Gage offers a Top of Their Game Teleseminar Series, and you’ll learn a lot by tuning in. The session tomorrow offers the truth about making money with teleseminars. If this captures your interest, sign up and tune in.


By the way, I have added a new DIY Publicity Menu to the right side of the navigation that makes it easy to get the help you need for free, for under $100, for $250, $297 – $397, and beyond. This latest teleseminar with Kathleen Gage will be posted to the FREE section of the site shortly and remain there indefinitely. I invite you to take a look and find the perfect solution for the publicity issues that are brewing in your business. I look forward to being of service. And, if you’d like to see me speak in person, register for the September 25 lunch meeting of the Women Business Owners. Register at this link.