If you did, you can still listen in and benefit! I’ve created Audio Presentation #7 that includes the hour-long conversation, along with a sassy handout that lists the 15 best ways I’ve found and applied to get known as an expert. You can apply the same tips to your buzz-building benefit.

Rhonda Aflakian listened in, and she said, “I just listened to your teleconference from June 26th and loved it! My favorite part was your attitude of: ‘Give your service for free and it will come back to you. Help others and in turn you will be helped…”

Here are just a few of the valuable benefits that can come from listening in to this engaging conversation, packed with stories from the media trenches about earning ink in O magazine, the local business media, and so much more:

  • Getting more, higher quality clients
  • The ability to charge more for your products or services
  • An increase in website or blog traffic
  • Higher search engine rankings for your name
  • Better, longer term, and more satisfying engagements
  • Being booked solid with a wait list
  • The ability to help more people with you specialized skills and knowledge
  • More opportunities to spread your knowledge and reputation via speaking engagements, interviews
    and articles writing
  • You can do more of what you love
  • And, most importantly, you can create more success with greater ease!

You can purchase Audio Presentation #7 for the very low price of just $7. It’s not quite free, yet it’s a fee sufficient to cover the cost of posting the file to the DIY Publicity Store for your benefit.

If you are out enjoying the weather, download the file to your iPod and listen while you walk, bike, or jog around town. You’ll learn a lot to propel your business forward as you get in shape. All for $7. Thanks in advance for your purchases, and please keep me up to date about the success you enjoy as a result of following this time-tested, proven do-it-yourself publicity advice.