
This GUEST post is offered by List-a-Pallooza Creator PJ. Van Hulle. 

PJ Van Hulle PhotoPJ Van Hulle is an acclaimed international speaker who works with speakers, authors, and coaches to grow their e-mail lists so that they can attract more clients and sales, with less effort and stress. She’s the author of the Little Book of Prosperity, the co-author of Make Your Connections Count, and the host of the List-a-Palooza 90-Day List-Building Challenge.

Thanks PJ!

You’ve probably heard that, “the fortune is in the follow up,” but if you’re like most of the 1,000’s of entrepreneurs I’ve worked with over the last 14 years, your follow up systems leave something to be desired.
Here’s why “the fortune is in the follow up,” and what that looks like…
In most niche markets, or the specific group of people you serve:
3% are actively shopping for what you offer
7% are aware and open to your services, but not looking
30% are not aware of their problem or your solution
30% may know you exist, but it’s not the right time
30% are simply not a fit

This means that if you’re not following up, you’re leaving behind the 67% of people that might be ready to sign up for your products or services down the road!
When you follow up consistently, you will stay in front of these people. Maybe they’re not ready now, but when they are ready, you’ll be at the top of their mind and therefore you’ll be the one they hire over someone that didn’t follow up.
Imagine how much more money you could put in your pocket just by staying in touch with those 67% of people who may need you in the future.
The easiest and most effective way to follow up and nurture those relationships is to build an e-mail list of clients and potential clients who have “opted in” and given you permission to send them e-mails.
A good rule of thumb for monetizing your list is to shoot for $1 per subscriber, per month. So if your goal is to generate $10,000 per month in income, focus on growing your e-mail list to 10,000 subscribers.
With a profitable e-mail list you can:
● Attract more clients and sales
● Turn current clients into repeat clients
● Fill your seminars and programs
● Promote other peoples’ programs that you believe in and earn $1,000′s in affiliate commissions

Building your list is like taking advantage of compound interest. The sooner you start, the better. And the longer you nurture your list, the more profitable it will be.
To quantum leap your e-mail list to the next level, I recommend participating for FREE in the List-a-Palooza 90 Day List-Building Challenge.   

I will be speaking at 2 p.m. PST on Tuesday, August 19.  I’d love for You To Join in the conversation! 1LBCNancyJuetten (3)

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