If you are among the many who have signed up to attend the DIY Publicity Presentation I’ll be sharing with the Puget Sound Coaches Association on January 13, take note that the event venue has changed. The event will now take place at Antioch University. The address is 2236 6th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121. The phone number for the venue is 206-441-5352. There is metered parking in the back of the building and on the street. If you haven’t yet reserved your place for this high value presentation that can jump-start your 2009 do-it-yourself publicity plans, please register today.
Tomorrow is the first Publici-Tea™ Workshop of the new year. Ten fabulous guests have confirmed their place. If you still want to attend — and taking into consideration that many people wait until the last minute to decide attending events such as this — register at www.publici-tea.com. And, take note that future dates for 2009 are March 13, May 15, and September 11.
And, since we are taking notes of important events and activities to fuel your DIY publicity success, consider these timely PR resolutions provided by my colleague and fellow DIY publicity expert Margie Zable Fisher:
- I will summarize the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of my business or organization, making sure it works in the current economic environment.
- I will create/revise an effective 30-second introduction when meeting new business associates.
- I will participate in at least two social networks, such as Twitter and LinkedIn.
- I will research and participate in a charity activity, or increase my involvement in an existing one.
- I will always carry my business cards (even when I go to the gym). And I’ll also ask my spouse (or significant other) to carry my business cards — so he/she can give my card to his/her contacts or can help me out if I run out of them.
- I will write at least one guest column, or obtain at least one speaking opportunity per quarter to promote my business.
- I will apply for at least one award to promote myself and my business.
- I will review my Web site and marketing materials often, at least once a month, to determine the need for updates.
- I will create a contact strategy so that I am communicating with customers, prospects and associates at least once a month through newsletters, calls, direct mail, etc.
- I will search out ongoing publicity opportunities to positively promote my business or organization.