I’ve always made a practice of asking for testimonials.  Within the last few months, I set up a special page on my blog that makes it systematic for me to ask and easier than ever for clients to reply.   I learned this from Info Products Guy James Roche, and it has been working beautifully.

Here is a link that I send to happy clients as soon as our appointments are complete, at the precise time they are feeling especially fabulous about our work together.   Most clients are only too happy to reply by sending in their photos and their favorable testimonials.  Why not put something similar in place for your business by adjusting the language on this page to be a perfect fit for what you offer?

My good friend and colleague and a happy client Alice Cunningham, co-owner of Olympic Hot Tub Company, always says, “You have to make it easy to buy, easy to own, and easy to refer.”   An ongoing flow of glowing testimonials certainly can make it a whole lot easier for your ideal clients to “get to yes” faster.  And, when they do, you are fast on your way to do more of the work you love.

By the way, I can’t say enough good things about James Roche. Here is a testimonial I sent to him yesterday to thank him for the impact he has made on my business:

“Tired of going it alone and believing that great impact could be made in my business with the support of a proven and capable coach, I engaged James Roche to serve as my information products marketing coach in January of 2010. After just six content-rich telephone coaching sessions that catered to my very specific business needs and goals, I have acted on all of James’ suggestions and already welcomed at least $10,000 in new revenues to my business.  What is better is that the marketing funnel and strategy James helped me refine and the systems he helped me put in place stand ready to deliver even greater balance sheet impact over time as I stay consistent in my efforts to execute the winning strategy he coaxed out of me in record time.  What I appreciate most about James is that he shares both the big picture strategies and the nitty-gritty execution details I need to know to be systematically successful.   My confidence grows with every coaching call as my business results continue to escalate.  Thanks to lessons James modeled for me in running his own successful business, I now have greater control over my time and my life as I think bigger and serve more quality clients. Words can’t express the gratitude I feel for this benefit alone.  Thank you James.”

With gratitude,

Nancy Juetten

Late last year, I followed a tip from Alice Cunningham to share a testimonial about good results I experienced with paid advertising with the vendor.   That testimonial I provided to Help a Reporter Out Founder Peter Shankman ended up on the pages of Inc. Start-Up Toolkit Blog!  The lesson here?  One good thing most always leads to another.

All this is to say that as wonderful as it is to receive testimonials, it is also fabulous to give quality testimonials. especically when the impact of someone’s work on your behalf is so meaningful.

Authentic Visibility Tip of the Day: Take a moment to send a quality testimonial to someone in your business network who is making a significant impact on your success.   Then, tell me what happens next!  No doubt, good things will unfold in ways too priceless to count.