Many business owners want publicity, yet they struggle mightily with the task of getting their press kits in order. Writing a sizzlin’ bio is not easy, and a guiding hand from an expert can really make a difference.
Last Friday, four brave business owners attended very first Publici-Tea™ half-day press kit writing workshop. All four business owners left the event with a sassy bio in hand. Some of the bios invited tears of pride. Others brought about grins of satisfaction. Others brought welcome sighs of relief. Some had been struggling for two years trying to say what needed to be said in a way that others would find interesting. Here is what my event guests had to say about their press kit workshop experience:
“If the Publici-Tea™ Half-Day Workshop is the appetizer for making a press kit, the Public-Tea™ Press Kit Writing Workshop is the main course. I came in hungry, not clear on how to put together my press kit, and I left very satisfied with the near-finished product. Nancy made the experience easy and fun, especially for this word-challenged entrepreneur. Without her laser guided wit and assurance, I’d still be hungry. And without a doubt, I’d recommend this workshop to anyone who desires content, clarity, and consciousness in their press kit.”
Dr. Larry Greenblatt, Men’s Health Care Specialist,
“The workshop gave me ‘walk away’ materials I can use immediately. Nancy‘s enthusiasm, expertise, and commitment to me were apparent throughout the workshop. She knows her stuff. Nancy put together in 20 minutes what I’ve been struggling with for two years.”
Debra Aaron, CEO and Visionary,
“Nancy is great at pointing me in the right direction. Nancy is also fabulous at putting into words what I want to say. I would not have been able to write the bio we created today without her help.”
Shannon Wright, Original Basket Boutique,
“Nancy has the ability to find and mine the gems within, delivering them brilliant, polished, and ready to go to press.”
Sheryl Allen,
I had so much fun teaching this workshop that I’ve added another date to the calendar to further refine the curriculum and overall approach. This time, it is Thursday, March 20 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at my lovely Bellevue home. If you’d like to jump in and participate, give me a call right away at 425-641-5214.
For just $197 for the half-day, you get my full attention, yummy refreshments — including Biscot-Tea™, Seattle Chocolates, and savory croissant sandwiches — and the opportunity to leave the event with your own sizzlin’ bio in hand, ready to delight your clients, prospects, and media partners. After this March 20 event, the price is going up, so get in now while the gettin’ is good!
And, if you still need to attend the introductory Publici-Tea™ event that gives you the publicity nuts and bolts you need to get into the media relations game, there is still one place left for the March 14 event and a few spaces remaining for the April 18 event. Visit for all the details and to register.