With all the new ways to connect with others — web conferences, teleseminars, blogging, and beyond — I know I am not the only one who suffers from technology overwhelm from time to time. Technology can be friend or foe, depending on your comfort with it. I am committed to pushing through my discomfort to make friends and serve publicity seeking business owners here and beyond. And, I work with fabulous co-collaborators who love technology to compensate for my discomfort. Good things are happening, so I take heart and reward in that.

For example, the first day this blog debuted on August 30, the CEO of the Women’s Media Summit found me via a “Google Alert” for media experts, and she invited me to participate in the event as a presenter. On Friday, I’ll offer a web presentation using a web conference room for the first time. Heidi Richards was kind enough to walk me through the technology so I can proceed with confidence on Friday afternoon, October 19 at 3:30 p.m. and offer my message to scores of publicity seeking business owners from across the nation. And, you can still register to participate. Here is the link to make it easy for you: womensmediasummit.com.

Later today, I am doing a teleconference with small business expert Stacy Karacostas to scores of similarly motivated business owners. This is the first time I’ll be using this particular software. Stacy and I connected yesterday to work through the specifics, and we are ready to deliver great value to a great audience. By the way, you can still register for this event at this link: https://www.success-stream.com/teleseminar-registration.htm.

A few weeks ago, Zita Gustin, the executive managing director of the eWomenNetwork, invited me to do a teleconference. Again, it was my first time with this particular technology. She took the lead, and the result was fabulous.

And, tomorrow, I am offering a live presentation to the members and guests of the Fremont Chamber of Commerce about the deadly sins of media relations and why to avoid them. If you live in the Puget Sound region, you can still register and attend. Call this number to assure your place: 206-632-1500.

Over the course of one web conference, two teleconferences and one luncheon event, I’ll have the opportunity to empower hundreds of people with useful information to support their success. And three of the events can be accomplished without ever leaving the office. And the blog also makes it easy to be of service. More influence and success with greater ease is the goal, and technology really is the key.

All this is to say that it is not uncommon to suffer from technology overwhelm. I get that. I just invite you to push through it to make new kinds of magic happen in your business.