John Kremer is the author of “1001 Ways to Market Your Books.” He also writes a fabulous and very useful ezine that is always full of great ideas. In late December, I read in his ezine that he often posts free bonus reports and e-books to his website for other business owners to enjoy.

I submitted my free Authentic Visibility E-Book full of 12 sassy, time-tested, and proven do-it-yourself publicity articles and hoped for the best. This is the same special report I offer to those who sign up to receive the Authentic Visibility ezine.

Imagine my delight when I checked my “Google Analytics” to learn that Kremer’s site was driving traffic to mine, thanks to the free e-book he made available to his people.

Do you offer a free bonus report as a gift for subscribing to your ezine? Would you like a wider audience for your information? If so, visit this link to offer your report for consideration. That simple act could be the ticket to new traffic to your website or blog so you can do more of what you love in service to just the right people.