Almost 800 people have entered to win five “custom bio boxes” from yours truly in the 2011 Done for You Sweepstakes. That sure does my heart good. If you would like to enter to win one of these prizes or the many other “done for you” services that can support you in growing and running your business that are being offered by high integrity business professionals, be sure to click on the link to make your selections before Monday.
Last year, so many people entered to win the Extreme Bio Makeovers that I offered as prizes that I had to ask the good folks from Constant Contact for technical assistance with list management. When I told the customer service representative that I had added 800 names to my list within a three week period of time, she was quite impressed. That opened the door for me to share this particular success with the marketing department at the company. They wrote a story about it in the Constant Contact ezine and posted about it on Facebook. That opened the door for me to be a media contact for Constant Contact who would be ready to speak at a moment’s notice about how well this service delivers for me. That then opened the door for me to speak not just once, but TWICE to large audiences of business people who are also clients of Constant Contact who enjoyed my presentations and have since become fans, followers, and clients of my work.
All this is to say that you never know what good things might unfold when you jump in with both feet to make the most of your list building and other business enhancing opportunities. When you approach each project with what my friend Lisa Marie Platske calls Upside Thinking, amazing things manifest. It’s a beautiful thing.