Don't be a Social Media BlowhardIf you are wandering in the desert, wondering about the best ways to deploy social media or what to do about it for your brand and business, treat yourself to this sassy and provocative blog post by David Libby entitled, “Don’t be a Social Media Blow Hard.”  The title speaks volumes, and Libby’s post is well worth your time.

As for me, I continue to test the social media waters, and I share much of what I learn on this blog to help save you time and trouble. I never recommend a product, service or approach to you that I haven’t put to the test myself.

One thing I never forget is that doing great work for clients, earning the honor of their referrals, and executing beautifully in the tried-and-true media outlets that are proven to deliver big time are the best ways for me to make the most of the PR budgets my clients invest toward building the buzz.   After all, given the choice of earning a media placement in O The Oprah magazine or a ReTweet on Twitter, which media placement carries the most influence and impact?  Both are lovely, yet a placement in O The Oprah Magazine is priceless beyond description — and influential to merchandise on your online press room besides.

Nancy Asking a Favor: Speaking of client referrals, if you are a fan of this blog and my work, I’d be honored if you posted a review to the Authentic Visibility page at  Yelp is one of the largest and most influential user review and rating sites on the internet today. In a recent survey, 83.8% of respondents said they would trust use reviews over a critic.  That means we trust each others’ informed opinions over experts.  Thank you Practical Social Marketing Expert Steve MacDonald for showing me the wisdom of Yelp. Thanks to all of you loyal blog readers in advance for your support of this review request.

DIY Publicity Tip for the Day: Why not take a few moments and add your company to Yelp and invite your best customers to post a review for how you serve?  These endorsements will then appear in search engine results that reflect favorably upon how you serve the marketplace. That just might help the right clients “get to yes” a bit faster and fuel your prosperity.  Visit to set up your profile.  It just takes a few minutes.  I know, because I just did this myself.