Don't be singing the "What Could Have Been Blues ..." and a story to get you into actionIn April of this year, I was lucky enough to lead an intimate dinner event with some ‘movers and shakers’ up to big things. Kathi Suprata was among my honored guests. We shared a fabulous meal around a gorgeous dining room table. And our conversations were around how to raise our voices and make big impact.

Toward the end of the evening as we were wrapping up the event, we talked about the big, bold actions we were going to take as a direct result of spending that magical evening together.  Big, bold intentions were shared. And it was exciting and inspiring for all of us.

Then, Kathi serenaded us with one of her original songs — ‘The What Could Have Been Blues.” Just weeks later, Kathi went to see her doctor. She had been experiencing low grade fever and discomfort and asked her doctor to diagnose the problem.

The diagnosis in this case is cancer.

Kathi has an amazingly upbeat attitude to her situation and is inviting magic and miracles to manifest.

I want to do my part. Please send healing energy, magic and miracles in the direction of Berkeley, California where Kathi and her fiancee are making plans to beat this thing.

If you have been delaying doing anything in your life or work until SOMEDAY instead of taking action NOW, I hope Kathi’s song is the wake-up call you need to move forward.

You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Make the most of TODAY and speak and sing your message so it can be heard to make the impact you are here to make.

Watch her joy and listen to the lyrics. They will get you straight to the heart.

[She passed away not long after she delivered this performance, and what a difference it made in my heart. May it do the same for you.]