I continue to be humbled and inspired by the important work being done by my clients.  Today, I share the story of Dr. Nekeshia C. Doctor.  Her mission for women and girls is so big and so important that you will want to visit her site to get your daily prescription to embrace the beauty that was given you and see how you can be part of and contribute to her Beauty Within Project.

Dr. Nekeshia C. Doctor created her message with the support of the most recent Get Your Client Attracting Story Done Virtual Worldwide Workshop.  If you need help right this very minute to make your own story better, access the new Heal Your Boring Business Bio to Attract Clients and Cash Now gift booklet today. It’s my gift to you and everyone you share it with.  Share generously!


“For every girl and woman across this world, from all walks of life, who has been told and made to feel as though she is a mistake, hear this. No matter what others have said and may continue to utter —  no matter how many times you have fallen off course, no matter how little support and love you have surrounding you, you can be and do anything that you desire to be and do.”

 — Dr. Nekeshia Doctor, Founder, The Beauty Within Project Inc.

Dr. Nekeshia Doctor

 About The Beauty Within Project:

Dr. Nekeshia C. Doctor created The Beauty Within Project, Inc. in 2010. This 501(c)3 non-profit organization – known as the “BW Project” — hosts an annual empowerment seminar for girls between the ages of 8 – 18 years old. The vision of The BW Project, Inc. is to assist girls of every race, color, and creed, recognize, embrace, love, and respect the beauty that was uniquely given to them. In doing so, the BW Project transforms communities, one girl at a time. As a result of such great responses from the community about the annual all-girls seminar, Dr. Doctor incorporates quarterly social events throughout the year to maintain support and mentorship with as many girls as possible.

Who Benefits Most:

  • Girls and women seeking guidance, support, and motivation to get moving to create the lives they want in their homes, schools or workplaces
  • Those who have suffered from life circumstances beyond their own control from the very beginning

If this describes you, Dr. Nekeshia C. Doctor has a prescription of the basic essentials with your name on it. It’s called “30 Ways in 30 Days to Guide Women and Girls to Create the Lives They Want And Are  Destined To Have Wherever They Are.”  Dr. Nekeshia’s program is a God-send for:

  • That girl or woman born out of rape,
  • Who might be living in an abusive environment,
  • Who was raised as a child in and out of the foster care system,
  • Who was adopted by a loving family as a child, yet struggling to know who she really is because the family history is a mystery
  • Or that girl or woman simply unsure about where to pick up the pieces of your life to live with pride and joy.

Dr. Doctor felt called to create this prescription as a result of her own personal challenges and uncertainties as a young girl, national research findings, and her humble experiences as a teacher and assistant principal in the public school system. Despite being the oldest sibling, she wrestled with her own internal and external beauty. After years of silent struggles with her own self-esteem, Dr. Nekeshia Doctor found ways to escape the internal battle with self. She discovered that it takes a positive mindset, a system (strategic plan), and the right tools in place to achieve the high goals for your life. Dr. Doctor believes that life is about conquering our fears and extending a hand to be a blessing to others who may share those same fears.

About Dr. Nekeshia – The Deliberating D.I.V.A.

The Deliberating D.I.V.A. (Driven Individual Valuing Authentic capabilities) Doctor Nekeshia is driven to inspire girls and women to aim high no matter where they are in life by prescribing dosages of motivational medicine.

The firstborn daughter of a teenage mother, Dr. Nekeshia was raised in a single-parent home until she was 10 years old with the help of her maternal grandfather, great-grandmother, and paternal grandparents along the way. Beginning at a very young age, Dr. Nekeshia often felt as though she was a mistake and burden because she was the by-product of a 15- year old teenage mother who was still a child herself. Despite the odds, Dr. Nekeshia’s teenage mother took pride in raising her and her sister.

Dr. Nekeshia completed high school and furthered her education, obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Education, Master’s degree in Education-Educational Leadership, and a Doctorate degree in Education-Organizational Leadership. When Dr. Nekeshia earned her Doctorate degree in Education, that was a proud moment that allowed others to see that her teenage mother’s journey and choice to keep and raise Dr. Nekeshia were not mistakes.  Today, her passion, life, and work as an educator, mentor, and consultant are all about opening new windows of possibility for girls and women who are challenged by their staggered mindsets and choices and seeking a path to make the most of their lives.

Your Call to Action:

Get ready to transform from “stuck in a rut” to “ALIVE and THRIVING.” To learn more about how to get a personal prescription to thrive in every area of your life as a girl or woman, contact and book Dr. Nekeshia C. Doctor to receive your personal prescription and instructions for taking your daily dosage of empowerment to be or do that which your heart desires and of which your amazing life is so worthy. She is eager to come to YOU wherever you are in the world to speak with you and/or your organization and place your personal prescription in hand.

  • (904)419-8813
  • Email: thebeautywithinproject@gmail.com
  • Website: www.thebwproject.org

The BW project