Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant Laura Leist, founder and president of Eliminate Chaos, is leading a great business that is guiding clients to do exactly that for their homes and businesses.   The debut of her newest book, “Eliminate The Chaos at Work: 25 Techniques to Increase Productivity,” gave her  reason to revisit her story to put her very best message forward.

When I reviewed her prior story, I was struck by the meaty credentials and also curious to learn more about the woman behind the company.   Surprisingly, there was precious little about Laura in her story that helped me quickly get to that “like, trust, respect” place fast.   By asking a few probing questions, I learned  some compelling things to make her story shine.  For example, she came upon her talent for organizing through acts of love and service to her visually impaired mom, who needed everything to be in place in order to feel in control over her work as a music teacher and her life as a single parent.

Laura also revealed that her well ordered house in the rainy Northwest was once home to a beloved Saint Bernard named Mozart.  She even trained him to hold his paws up to be wiped clean before entering the house after trips outside.  Something about that really resonated.  After all, her business is about setting up systems that give clients more time for life.  Even by the manner in which she trained her treasured pet, she walks her own talk.

With those details revealed, the story took shape to showcase Laura’s impressive credentials, the news about her latest book, and personal information to guide any potential client to feel fabulous about and motivated to buy her new book and engage her services as a speaker and productivity consultant.  Read on to enjoy Laura’s story.  If you need to Eliminate Chaos in your life, now you know who to call to get the mission accomplished.

And, if you need help telling your story to put your best message forward, check out the three most popular ways clients engage with my company to get the job done.   You’ll find those details right here.