As we head into the final days of holiday shopping, don’t forget to celebrate your pets for the joy they bring to your lives. Speaking of which, I had the wonderful opportunity to assist Energy Healer for Pets Vicki Draper in crafting a winning bio to tell her story, and I am pleased to share it with you now.    Vicki is also a very happy client.  Vicki Draper says, “Nancy is nothing short of amazing.  She can take good information and turn it into great information in a very short time. My bio is now something that really portrays me and I am proud of sharing it.  For anyone having trouble expressing the right words, Nancy is your best resource.  I am so grateful to have benefited from Nancy’s service and expertise!”

Vicki Draper, Founder – Vi Miere

Touched by an Angel.  Healed in a Moment

Energy Healer for Treasured Pets Brings More Joyful Life to the Years

Energy Healer Vicki DraperEnergy Healer Vicki Draper is passionate about ensuring vitality and pain free lives for pets and the owners who love them.  She discovered her unique talents at an early age.  When Vicki was just 11 years of age, her kitten was diagnosed with distemper. Rather than accept a tragic diagnosis, Vicki intuitively began visualizing a long, healthy life for her beloved pet.  The kitten lived a happy and active 16 years more.  Since 1999, Vicki has worked with thousands of happy and loyal pet owners and their veterinarians to bring to life similar stories for their own pets.  With Vicki’s healing touch at their sides, anxious animals are empowered to be calm.  Fearful animals are empowered to feel safe.  Abused animals are empowered to release the old and embrace the new with comfort.  Many pets and their loving owners enjoy more joyful years together as a result. Happy clients cry tears of joy to watch the quick patter return to the steps of pets who are touched by this angel.   Customers from around the world also purchase Vicki’s line of essences that invite healing.

With extensive training and clinical experience from leading institutions including the Northwest School of Animal Massage, Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Institute, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing, Bellevue Massage School, Acupressure Institute of Berkeley, and Upledger Institute, Vicki has invested thousands of hours to learn the best ways to apply her special gifts with animals for their physical and emotional benefit.  Pet owners and their veterinarians have come to trust and rely on Vicki to solve the unsolvable.  She brings to light the right way to proceed in concert with conventional methods and how to apply new approaches to best serve each pet’s unique circumstances in perfect timing.

Vicki embodies a remarkable combination of Sherlock Holmes-inspired investigative skill, Dr. Doolittle-like communication and connection with animals, and Fairy Godmother-like oversight and compassion.  Giving back to the animals in ways to facilitate both healing and peaceful passages is how Vicki’s work makes the most crucial difference.  This is her passion and what compels Vicki to serve the animals and their owners every day. Vicki’s God-given and inspired intuition, healing gift of touch, and heart-centered commitment to make a difference give pet owners and their pets relief, healing, and peace of mind.    Her phone number enjoys placement on the “speed dial” function of many cell phones across the Puget Sound region as clients engage with Vicki in a variety of ways:

1)    Engage by the hour for energy healing;
2)    Purchase her popular line of essences that invite healing;
3)    Enjoy new information products that support their commitment to lovingly care for their pets throughout their lives.

Vicki also welcomes invitations to speak to pet loving groups and teach about her methods.   Visit this link to see Vicki’s healing gifts in action and see happy “Client Tales” in progress.  Get in touch by calling her at 425-785-4232, sending email to, and visiting the website.

Action Tip of the Day: If you can’t quite put into words the story you want others to know about how you serve the world, start first with the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide.   Then, engage me to help you upgrade your best effort into a fabulous story with your own  Extreme Bio Makeover. Good input from you always contributes to better storytelling on your behalf.  When you work through the easy templates and worksheets in the guide, it just makes it faster to transform  your bio from “boilerplate” to “really great” with impact and efficiency.

You are cordially invited to join Vicki Draper among the scores and scores of happy service providers who finally feel fabulous about how they are sharing their stories with the world.   With a New Year coming soon, the timing certainly couldn’t be better.