Attract Ideal Clients and Speaking Gigs at 'Hello' Success Training

Attention Authors, Speakers and Coaches with Too Few Clients:

Instantly attract your perfect clients and speaking gigs with your distinct, money-making message.

  • Do you have a huge desire to grow your business and serve more people … but you can’t seem to attract enough clients?   At least, not the ones you really want to work with?
  • Are you confident in what you offer but completely at a loss when you need to describe what it is you do?
  • Is that fuzzy message costing you huge opportunities to take your place on the live and virtual stages that matter for your message and the big dollars that go with them?

If you are frustrated and stuck, it’s pretty hard to attract those perfect clients, ideal gigs, and make good money.

The reality is this. What you say (or write in your ‘About Me’ section of your website or share on your speaker one-sheet can either attract the right people to do business with you — or not.
If you don’t have a clear picture of your perfect client or speaking gig decision maker, you might be sending your message into cyberspace to reach a forest of generic people who are alive, well, and perhaps not the least bit interested in what you have to offer.
If you don’t understand what your best client needs, wants and is inspired to invest into, making sales is pretty darn hard.
And if your message doesn’t sing, chances are that the beautiful music of ‘Ka-Ching’ isn’t happening either.
So …

  • What if you had a message that made your clients go crazy with the desire to work with you?
  • And the topic you speak about turned the right heads at HELLO?
  • What if, instead of stumbling to find the right words, you always had the perfect words to attract your perfect clients?
  • Bam!
  • You’d be off to the races like a Preakness winner, getting premium fees for doing the work you love.

The right words at the right moment for the right client can pay off big time — or not.

Image result for images of the right words

Getting this right is the start of everything big that can happen. Getting it wrong is a recipe for suffering in solitude with far too few clients and too few dollars to make a go of it in business.

With your ‘Attract Ideal Clients and Speaking Gigs at Hello Success Training,’ you’ll get it right the first time and immediately engage more of the right clients and speaking decision makers  fast .. and get to do more of the brilliant work you do that makes such a difference!

 I’ll guide you every step of the way to name and claim your profitable niche audience and create your client attracting message. You get everything you need to ‘name and claim’ your ideal client and transform your message from ‘MEH’ to ‘Magnetic.’

 Ours is a two-step dance:

Attract Ideal Clients and Speaking Gigs at 'Hello' Success Training

Name and Claim Your Profitable Niche Audience

Attract Ideal Clients and Speaking Gigs at 'Hello' Success Training

  Prepare Your Client Attracting, Money-Making Message

Use it is all your marketing — well beyond your bio!

Coaching, Content, and Community

You receive these proven, practical, tactical resources to make the process productive, revealing and most of all productive and rewarding:
Niche Secrets:
Your Step by Step Guide to Creating & Embracing Your Six-Figure Niche.
You’ll receive your Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook, too. 
It’s packed with examples of winning bios from authors, speakers, coaches, and consultants to inspire your own ‘rock star’ bio that attracts your perfect clients at first glance!
Bye-Bye BORING BIO (Teaser Cover)

Best of all, you’ll also get to come along for 3 Magic Message Labs to get ‘almost private coaching’ in an intimate group.

During these monthly action coaching calls (participate live or by replay from wherever you live work or play), I guide you and other authors, speakers, coaches, and consultants just like you to transform their messages from repelling to ideal client and opportunity attracting.  You can get the support you need direct from yours truly so you keep making progress live during the calls.

And join us in the Private Facebook Group, too!

Get additional expert support between live calls in our private Facebook group.  You’ll meet other business owners who can become your new best friends, referral partners, accountability buddies and clients!  The “messaging magic” you receive to transform that lackluster Word document that is masquerading as your speaker sheet will surprise and delight you.  And you’ll be inspired to share it with more of the right people to gt booked again and again for the right audiences to benefit from your brilliant message.
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The eye-opening training guides you to GET THIS DONE.

  • In a short afternoon or evening session with your hot cup of tea and snacks nearby, savor helpful, eye-opening audio training that guides you to name and claim that all-important profitable niche audience.
  • You’ll learn why this is such an important first step, how to be authentic in your offers, how to choose your target market, and discover the buy triggers that can make the biggest difference in your messaging.
  • And if you get stuck, you can answer questions from your heart to get unstuck quickly so you can figure this out once and for all.
  • You’ll have some fun digging into your interests, desires, skills, talents, services and approach to doing business so you get even more excited about how well you solve urgent problems for which your ideal clients are inspired to invest to get the benefit.
  • You’ll create your elevator speech, your slogan, and create some conversation starters that will make networking a new favorite money-making activity for you.
  • Use the fill-in-the-blanks worksheets, templates, and exercises to mine for niche and messaging gold.
  • Access Build Your Buzz Training so your star will continue to rise. Take action to grow your list, network like a rock star, earn favorable publicity for your winning ways, and more.  This is lifetime access!

 Benefits benefits benefits!

  • Save valuable time, money and frustration reaching out to the wrong people.
  • Instead, pave a faster path to cash by focusing their efforts on reaching out to the right people and magnetically attracting more of them to do business with them now.
  • Quickly overcome writer’s block because fill-in-the-blanks worksheets, templates, and tools make creating that all-important client attracting message fast, easy and fun.
  • Escape the isolation of doing this on your own because the easy-to-follow audio training feels like ‘help is in the air’ when it is needed most.
  • Common questions get answered like magic!
  • ‘Aha’ insights flow to inspire even the most frustrated messengers to find the perfect words.
  • Transform from fuzzy and confused about who and how you help to clear and confident.
  • Charge more right away instead of overstaying your welcome in low-priced-offer-land.
  • Find and ignite your courage to share their message with impact with the RIGHT people.
  • Do more of your brilliant work in the world and feel great about the difference you make every day.
  • Feel smug, smart and fiscally responsible knowing that you invested wisely for proven support that didn’t break the bank.


Let’s talk about the investment.

Attract Ideal Clients and Speaking Gigs at 'Hello' Success Training

Get started today to enjoy the powerful, proven elements in this essential bundle of message transformation magic — including LIVE COACHING WITH ME, audio guidance, workbooks, and proven and time-tested niche-and-bio-writing resources.

Say YES to the ‘Attract Ideal Clients and Speaking Gigs at Hello Success Training’ and get everything for this high value tuition:



Convenient 3-Pay Option: $197 – 3 Automatic Payments


I want you to get out of the starting gate like a winner and attract your ideal clients who can benefit from your brilliance as soon as possible. That will make me happy and give the marketplace something to celebrate.
So, how about it?

Are you ready to say YES to your ‘Attract Ideal Clients and Speaking Gigs at Hello Success Training?’

  • Everything delivers to your inbox in short order.
  • You’ll get timely invitations to the NEXT live Magic Message Lab so you can join us and get the help you need.
  • And you can also join us in the Magic Message Lab private Facebook community to get even more support between live calls.
  • Take action, and you and your newly launched business are golden.

Clients Rave!

“I joined Nancy’s Magic Message Lab, and boy, I’m so glad that I did. muellerBecause of Nancy’s gentle guidance, unwavering encouragement and insightful feedback, we accomplished so much more than I ever could have imagined. So much, so that we also decided to work with Nancy privately. We now have a bio that we’re thrilled with, a proprietary system for our upcoming program, a free opt-in gift and lead page that is finally up and working, and a sales page for our upcoming program that is good to go! If you have been “on the fence” about working with Nancy, I highly recommend that you take the plunge. You’ll be glad that you did!
~ Bette Friedlander, Blissfully Married
“I loved working with someone so gifted and willing to help.”mueller “Nancy Juetten is a bit of a WIZARD. She has an uncanny ability to listen or read your bio & course description and instantly improve it. She helped me edit my Opt In Page & Free Offer. I loved working with someone so gifted and willing to help. I’m now far better able to communicate what I do and get better response because I leave the boring stuff out. She highlights the value in your offer so that others ‘get it.’ If you are thinking of working with Nancy, just do it knowing you will get fabulous results.”
~ Marilyn K. Miller
“I’ve always considered myself good with words, in fact, writing is part of my daily job. But Nancy Juetten is masterful muellerwith words. She did more than help me re-make my bio. She breathed life into it. When people read my bio, they laugh and show emotion. They become attracted to my story and to me. I get asked more questions and have more opportunities to talk about my business and my talents. I’m proud of my bio, and I’ll tell you a secret – when I need a little confidence boost I go back and read it. Nancy helped me find words and an inner confidence that I couldn’t get to on my own. The overall result, I feel like I can play big. I have the skills and now my bio, speaker sheet, speaker introduction and website copy reflect that, thanks to working with Nancy.”
~ Jen Mueller, America’s Expert Talker + CEO, Talk Sporty to Me
“Inspiring Conversation and Confidence Through Sports” —
robinpruitt_circle“Nancy you have an unparalleled talent for seeing and hearing the essence of others and translating that essence into sizzling soundbites.”
~Robin Pruitt – Healthy Food Consultant
“Nancy found a way when I couldn’t. Her generosity seems to know no bounds.”
stevenw_circleI took Nancy’s course to learn how to do better bios since I want to do more public speaking. I was hoping to come up with something that I could send out to various organizations. And you would think that someone who writes video scripts wouldn’t have a problem with this. Well, it’s one thing to toot someone else’s horn. It’s quite another to toot your own in a way that doesn’t make you feel false or bragging. Nancy struck me as a person who would understand this problem. And what a great judge of character I turned out to be.
Nancy found a way when I couldn’t. Her generosity seems to know no bounds. She gave example after example of great bios, and when I was stuck she simply turned mine into one of those. And it wasn’t just bios. Her take on how to use various web resources is quite clever and effective, and I look forward to diving into those resources as well when I launch my very next program.
This class has saved me only hours of needless angst and provided me with more tools to promote my company. If you’re looking for a streamlined way to get your publicity machine moving, I highly recommend Nancy’s course.”
~Steven Washer –
elizabeth_circle“I made a successful pitch to the Associated Press, earned 191,000 media placements as a direct result of applying the lessons I learned in this course and made the front page of the most ready daily newspaper in Italy!”
~Elizabeth Venturini – College and Career
Chief Publicity Officer for The Mona Lisa Code
“I had an absolutely fabulous experience. The resources were outstanding and the webinars brought everything to life. I especially like Nancy’s transparency. As a new business owner, it was reassuring to hear what Nancy learned, both ups and downs, as her business blossomed. Above all, I appreciate the fact that Nancy made herself very available and had a ‘no soldier left behind’ feel to all of her interactions with students. I cannot say enough good things about this course and I look forward to working with Nancy again.”
~ Ann Marie Bryant – Valparaiso, Indiana
“Thank you for your amazing program. You helped me put together a concise message that is easy for my potential clients to briget_circleunderstand. With your help, I have re-written my bio and recently got to test its effectiveness when I entered a silent auction for the benefit of United Way. The items I presented for bid were a seminar for four bidders on financial issues and a financial plan for a couple. I used my bio for the background information on the auction poster and I am pleased to say that both items were bid up. I received fabulous feedback about the bio with comments like, ‘I loved your quote,’ ‘I have a good understanding about what you do’ and ‘Thank you for entering the auction with such a fabulous product.’ You helped me put together a concise message that is easy for my potential clients to understand.”
~ Bridget Burgess, CFP® – Financial Planner
Strategic Planning Partners, LLC,
Nancy Jonker“What sets Nancy Juetten’s program apart from others is the personalized attention she gives. There are countless online courses that take you through identifying your ideal client, but most leave the refinement stage to you. Not so with Nancy Juetten! She interacts — refining and polishing – creating a work of art that we could not produce on our own. She truly is a word wizard and she generously lends her wizardly skills to each of us in turn. So far, this has been a priceless investment!”
~ Nancy Jonker
Beverley Anderson“I am absolutely delighted with the personal support from Nancy. Having been a member of other coaching groups and in some cases investing more money, I didn’t get the result I had hoped for. The sheer amount of energy and input from Nancy at such an early point has already helped me to become much clearer about my preferred niche and I’m almost there with nailing my short bio. In fact I updated my new program description to reflect my new bio and I was able to confidently turn away a potential client who didn’t match the description I was looking for. On the other hand, within a few minutes I attracted another client who was a perfect match. She sent me an email and shared these exact words: ‘If your Mastermind Circle is for people who are serious and ready to take their businesses forward then this is the right group for me.’ Thank you Nancy for your genuine and inspirational support!”
~ Beverley Anderson
Business Boost Experts
Beth Huslbrink“We haven’t even had our first call yet, and the individual support & guidance I’ve received from Nancy in the private Facebook group has been outstanding! As a new business owner, getting clear is important to me and has been a source of frustration. With the few interactions we’ve had, Nancy has already helped me narrow down my niche and my message. I know that she genuinely cares about me, my mission to share my message, and my success. I’m looking forward to watching what her magic helps me create as we continue to work together.”
~ Beth Huslbrink

Industry Experts Rave, Too!

patriciafripp“If you need to position yourself ahead of your competition you need Nancy Juetten’s practical, easy to adapt high impact advice.”

Patricia Fripp • Past President, National Speakers Association

nancymamalejo“Nancy Juetten has created a wonderful resource. Your new message will only impress your followers, and intrigue them so they will want to know more about you.”

Nancy Marmolejo • Talent and Genius

suzannefalterbarnes2“What gets folks to put their trust in you? What gets the media to call you cold? Your online image! And PARTICULARLY your bio – it’s where the rubber meets the road, and let me tell you, Nancy Juetten totally has that figured out!”

Suzanne Falter-Barns • Platform Building Expert

Your Call To Action


Your Wise Investment for Everything Right Now



Convenient 3-Pay Option: $197 – 3 Automatic Payments


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Get Your Get Known in Your Own Backyard and Beyond Blueprint

When You “Click” on the Icon Below.

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Action and Satisfaction Guarantee

I am 100% confident that after you employ the powerful business-building knowledge, tools and live coaching in this training, you will be able to name and claim your profitable niche audience and prepare your money-making message. That’s why I invite you to invest wisely so the journey can begin as soon as possible. Work with the abundant training and tools for a full year, apply the lessons within to your expert advantage, and participate in the live calls. If you don’t make your modest investment back after taking inspired action as hundreds before you already have, send  your completed worksheets, homework assignments, and actions you have taken to request a refund, less a $197 processing fee.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

nancy-orange-background (3)

Get Known to Get Paid™ Mentor Nancy Juetten shows business owners how to get seen, heard, celebrated, and COMPENSATED for their expert status. Thousands of coaches, healers, consultants, solopreneurs, speakers, infopreneurs, and aspiring and thriving authors around the world attract clients, speaking gigs, and media attention now as a direct result of lessons she shares to support their success.  Luminaries including Alex Mandossian, Sandra Yancey, Christine Kloser, Vinca Heart and more sing her praises for good reason.  Her systems and methods guide her clients to be magnets at first glance for new clients, prestigious speaking gigs, media interviews, and joint venture partnerships with thought leaders and influence builders worldwide.

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