I got a lovely email from Kathy Hope, president of Hope Fitness Center, today. She attended a meeting of eWomenNetwork during which Executive Managing Director Zita Gustin and I talked about the power of reaching out one-to-one via networking and one-to-many via publicity. Here is what she wrote:

“I just wanted to let you both know much of what you said at that meeting stuck in my head. I had written an article for a local paper in the past, but felt I wasn’t qualified to write too much because I am not a personal fitness trainer and my trainers would not help me. Well, again I was asked by another paper, this time the Mukilteo Journal’s owner Greg Harris, and he really encouraged me to give him 500 words on the topic “Why a Personal Trainer.” I had one hour before I had to be home and leave on a trip…but I did it and it was published in the November 2007 edition of the Mukilteo Journal. This is to thank you again for your words, and let you know how much they were appreciated. Looking for the next opportunity!

Kathy Hope, President, HOPE Fitness Center, Inc.

I say, “Great job Kathy!”

As you have found, no doubt, in your work as a personal trainer, action speaks louder than words. You got into action. You earned the ink. Now, let the rewards flow to you by way of new client engagements and new opportunities to be of service. By the way, now is a perfect time to be pitching stories about fitness and health as people anticipate a healthy New Year. What are your plans in the regard, and how quickly can you get into action?

Keep me posted on your success!