Extreme Bio Makeover

This is a Done-For-You Service that Will Make Your Story Stand Out and Shine So You Can Attract Clients, Speaking Gigs, or Media Interviews Now.

Why agonize over a blank sheet of paper when you can have Nancy “Broadcast Your Brilliance” Juetten do it for you?  With your thoughtful input, Nancy will put pen to paper to energize and italicize your story so your ideal clients will be rushing to the phone to engage your services.  That sure makes it easy to get return on investment on this highly customized professional service.

Just imagine the confidence, time savings, and ease you will enjoy when you are always ready for your next media interview, enrollment conversation, or that all-important meeting with a meeting planner who can book you for your full fee?

It’s easy when you make your Extreme Bio Makeover appointment with  Nancy Juetten. With your thoughtful input, she’ll deliver the rock star story you need to build and make the most of your expert status now.

Hundreds of Happy Clients Rave About How Nancy Coaxes Their Best Bios Out of Them in Short Order.

  • You gain access to a specialist who is passionate about supporting your success and opening new doors to recognition and compensation for you and your business by telling your story in a memorable, magnetic, and compelling way.
  • You get seen, heard, and celebrated with well chosen words that you may have been struggling to find on your own.
  • You enjoy the process and are thrilled with the results you welcome in your business as a direct result of telling your story well!

Bye-Bye “Wallpaper” Bio – Hello to “YES” Faster.

Nancy’s strong bias is to write bios that support clients in attracting their perfect clients. She is NOT a fan of summarizing career experience, credentials, and certifications in a conventional way. She is a champion for a story that identifies who you serve, what you offer, why it matters, and your special secret sauce to make “getting to YES” a whole lot easier. Bios she writes for clients are steeped in personality, authenticity, stunning results, and a powerful call to action to meet a very specific need.

When people read the bios she writes for them, their ideal clients get to that Know-Like-Trust place faster. Most importantly, they are called to engage so the world can celebrate. The compensation flows, and it is a beautiful thing.

Nancy’s invitation for you today is to review your bio to determine who well it identifies who you serve, what you offer, why it matters, and your special secret sauce that makes it easy for your ideal clients to “get to YES faster.” If the answer is yes, keep on keeping on.

If the answer is “NO” consider inviting Nancy to help you tell a better story to help you attract the results you seek.   Remember, not every bio suits every situation, so you’ll want to be clear about what you want your bio to accomplish for you.  A bio that attracts clients is NOT the same as a speaker sheet to invite speaking engagements.  The audiences are different, and the messages are different, too.

And take heart in knowing that it is hard to write about yourself. People tell Nancy that all the time. They spend hours struggling to find the right words, arriving at a winning tone of voice, and articulating their unique value — and coming up disappointed because this just isn’t their genius.

Here is How This Popular Service Works:

1) Invest wisely in this very personal service by paying by credit card at the convenient link below.

2) Receive by return email several helpful articles and short blurb bio examples that guide you to consider and share what sets you and your products, service or cause apart in today’s demanding marketplace.  Share only the most relevant information that will support the story Nancy writes to help you achieve your most pressing objective.  Then, send your quality input by return email to Nancy@authenticvisibility.com. Remember, quality input on your part is ESSENTIAL in order to receive quality output.

3) During your LIVE phone discovery session with Nancy, she’ll ask some quality questions to get to know you and your immediate need more clearly. Then, she will invest quality time to write your quality bio for you. 

4) You will receive one first draft and have the opportunity to make edits/upgrades with one round of edits.  It’s just that simple!

Is This Service for You?

  • This service is for you if you have clarity around who you serve, what you offer, and the “wow” that your service or product delivers.   If you haven’t given these important elements serious consideration, this service is not yet for you.
  • This service is for business owners with reasonable expectations for results.  If you provide quality, thoughtful, and relevant information in your worksheets and are clear about the single more pressing objective you need to address — such as attracting clients, inviting speaking gigs, or inviting media interviews — you will get what you came for.   If you do not have clarity around what you want or need, this service is not for you.
  • This service is for you if you are ready to take action within weeks of doing so.  Signing up and waiting six months or a year to have Nancy do the work is NOT an ideal scenario.

Fed Up, Fired Up, and Ready to Get the Help You Need? GREAT DECISION!

Appointments are held on Thursdays and Tuesdays during one of these convenient time slots:

9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Pacific.

It’s Your Story. Engage Nancy to Help You Tell It Well!

You’ll be glad that you did.


YOUR Extreme Bio Makeover is Waiting!

This service is custom to meet your needs to tell your story and requires time to deliver. 
You will receive one first draft and one round of revisions for the bio that is your top priority.

Sign up when you are READY to take action.

Recognize that the quality of your input has a direct impact on the result you enjoy.

Your Wise Investment for the Result You Desire: $997.00

Note: You must schedule your Extreme Bio Makeover within 6 months of purchase and preferably sooner. No refunds for services not redeemed within 6 months of purchase.