Fearless Visibility Inner Circle with Get Known Get Paid Mentor Nancy Juetten

Are You Ready to GO BIGGER & BOLDER in Your Online Business to Get Known and Paid for Your Expertise without Going It Alone a Moment Longer?

nancy-orange-background (3)Hi.  I am Nancy Juetten, the Get Known to Get Paid Mentor.

Going it alone to launch and grow your business can be incredibly lonely — especially when there is so much to learn and do. I’d like to ease the pain of isolation and catapult you, your expertise, and your business results to even bolder heights that will make you proud, profitable, and ready to take on the world.

I am bringing together a very special group of action-taking women business owners who are serious about elevating their expert positioning, building credible and persuasive visibility, and attracting and serving premium clients.
By sharing with you exactly how to get it done and championing your success with every step you take, you’ll love the journey as well as the destination. You’ll have colleagues who are going bigger in their businesses, too.  You can share your celebrations and challenges as we lend support to each other.
And, there is another big result beyond anything you might expect that will soon emerge. Your confidence will soar as you dig deep to go bigger in your work to make an even bigger impact on the perfect clients you are here to serve.  That benefit will stay with you forever in all that you do in life and business.
Are you hungry for extra support and trained eyes to make sure your message is clear, compelling, and lands squarely with the premium clients you most want to serve?
checkmarkDo you need more hand-holding and support to step up to a bigger stage?  After all, going bigger in your business means speaking from live or virtual stages, being ready to rock media interviews, and creating strategic partnerships that pay off again and again.
checkmarkDo you want to be part of an intimate group that can be your safe haven to ask basic and big picture questions, make real progress, and step beyond your comfort zone to achieve more than you have the vision to see right now?
checkmarkDo you seek practical know-how and expert guidance and inspiration from a mentor you respect, like and trust who has “been there, done that” and can show you the way?

 If you’ve answered YES, the Fearless Visibility Inner Circle may be for you.

This exclusive opportunity to work with me in a very close community is limited to a special intimate group of amazing business women who are committed to going the distance to win.  I hope you are one of them. 

You won’t get lost in the crowd.  You’ll be the center of my attention.

My intention is to serve as a powerful brain trust to guide each member to big success without going it alone.

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The Path to Guide the Journey

This is the proven road map that scores of Get Known to Get Paid Private Mentoring Program graduates have already traveled to get ready, known and paid for their expertise with my unwavering support and championship. Now you can too.  Best of all, you can benefit with the knowledge that you will be seen, heard, helped and cared for because any other way just isn’t good enough.

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“I started out charging $25 per gig and have raised my fees to $2500. Best of all, my literary agent has enlisted interest in my book from nine big publishing houses.”


I started out charging $25 per gig and have raised my fees to $2500.” “When I started my work with Nancy, I was running my medical spa business full-time and doing well. But I was called to write a book and speak to make a bigger difference through my work. Within less than six months, Nancy guided me from the dream in my head into greatness. I amped up my bio, turned a five chapter manuscript into a thirteen chapter book and am now a sought after keynote speaker. This year alone, I have been a featured guest on multiple podcasts, radio and television shows. When the student is ready, the right teacher appears. Thank you Nancy.”

Dr. Susan O’Malley

Tough Cookies Cover Draft 10

 Author of Tough Cookies Don’t Crumble: Turn Set-Backs into Success

“Thank you Nancy for making me the Permission to Charge™ Mentor. With your encouragement I can say I’ve taken this phrase to the bank and QUADRUPLED my revenue from the previous year.”


“After already being a successful entrepreneur, I couldn’t figure out why starting my business coaching business was so hard! I had learned from all the gurus and taken the group courses and then I knew I needed to choose a mentor who could help me turn things around. I met Nancy Juetten. Nancy encouraged me, while kicking and screaming to release my old brand, (which nobody seemed to understand) and carve out my new niche, using the very words my ideal clients had given me: Permission to Charge™ With her encouragement I changed my messaging, rebranded my website and finally clients understood the problem that I solved. The Charge your Worth problem that is! I became the CEO and Founder of Permission to Charge™. Referrals started coming in from other coaches, better speaking engagements came to me and I finally put myself on the map. I went from making $15,000 in one year to $100,000 the very next year. And now, through teaching my clients to give themselves permission to charge and sell their own high end offers, I am celebrating a 31K month. Nancy’s honest feedback and her gentle nudges helped me to finally become known and paid very well for work that I do.”

Jessica Riverson, Permission to Charge Mentor™ & Business Coach, www.permissiontocharge.com

“Nancy is the Ultimate Rock Star Maker!”

“I transformed from zero online presence to the NUMBER ONE placement on Google search for College Career Strategist…”


Elizabeth Venturini, CollegeandCareerResults.com

Check out the personal attention, support, and resources packed into the highest level of program participation.

Private Support — Just You and Me

  • 1 PRIVATE 50 minute telephone coaching call with me every month for 12 months to make bold progress to build the know-how and mindset to build a Fearless Visibility Platform and the Get Known Get Paid results that go with it;
  • Receive thoughtful feedback, upgrades, and suggestions by email to guide you forward to build credible, persuasive, and targeted visibility to you can welcome a steady stream of qualified, ideal clients to serve for good and profit. This support is equal to one full and focused hour each month.

Members Only Group Connection for Messaging Magic, Planning, and Ongoing Support

  • Intimate group retreat to spend the day creating your Fearless Visibility for Big Profits Plan with me guiding the process. It’s coaching and messaging magic across the real or virtual dining room table.
  • A Private Members Only Facebook Community – Build relationships, explore joint venture partnerships, provide feedback and lend championship and support to fellow members.

LIVE Training and Bold Recognition:

  • Monthly LIVE Fearless Visibility Platform Building Content “Member Only” Calls with Q&A to explore how to elevate the niche audience to serve a more premium client, pinpoint expertise, build a large and loyal and responsive list, joint venture like a pro, create information products that sell, build big buzz and massive authority, and more.
  • Bold Recognition: The opportunity to get seen, heard and celebrated to bring attention to your successes as they unfold.

Self-Guided/Anytime/Anywhere Get Known and Paid Support to Elevate Your Expert Positioning and Pinpoint Your Highest Value with Ultimate Convenience:

  • Get Your Client Attracting Story Done Success System
  • Get Known to Get Paid Success System
  • Get Known Get Paid Curated Online Success Library
  • Access to Nancy’s Proven Resources to Shorten Decision Making Time to Advance in Specific Ways – graphic designers, web designers, other proven resources.

What gives me the right to lead this selective collective? 

Here is a short bio that lets you know the company I keep as I make my own big difference in the world. It’s one of the versions I always have ready to share when a meeting planner, telesummit host, or joint venture partner wants to get the highlights about my own “who, how, and wow.”  You should have one of these, too.

Get Known to Get Paid™ Mentor Nancy Juetten shows business owners how to get seen, heard, celebrated, and COMPENSATED for their expert status. Thousands of coaches, healers, consultants, solopreneurs, speakers, infopreneurs, and aspiring and thriving authors around the world attract clients, speaking gigs, and media attention now as a direct result of lessons she shares to support their success. Luminaries including Alex Mandossian, Sandra Yancey, Christine Kloser, Vinca Heart and more sing her praises for good reason. Her systems and methods guide her clients to be magnets at first glance for new clients, prestigious speaking gigs, media interviews, and joint venture partnerships with thought leaders and influence builders worldwide.


Mine is a multiple-six-figure business that I run from a home office with my little dog at my feet with the support of a very part time virtual assistant.I board airplanes only when I want to, and that feels like a pretty sweet gig to me. What I also want you to know is this.

At the heart of my business is the belief that every client is important and has something special to offer that is worthy of celebration and compensation. If you are like my treasured clients, you want to build credible, persuasive, and targeted visibility to create a steady stream of even more qualified, ideal clients to serve for good and profit. My role is to guide you to name, claim, and communicate your expertise online and in other ways so your premium clients see the value and gladly invest in your products, programs, and services.

Since finding the courage to say “bye-bye” to my former career as a publicist in 2009 and “hello” to a new business built on my Get Known-Get Paid expertise, I’ve accomplished a lot.  I wrote a popular book called Bye-Bye Boring Bio that has earned thousands of fans around the world and made me and my expertise very easy to find, engage, and refer.

Bye-Bye Boring Bio PLUS!


  • With each decisive and deliberate step I have traveled, I’ve built a loyal and responsive tribe of fans, followers, advocates, and champions — numbering 20,000 and growing still!
  • I have engaged in lucrative joint ventures with luminaries in the personal development industry;
  • … built big buzz around my name;
  • … spoken and trained from stages big, small, virtual, local, and international …;
  • And I have created irresistible opt in gifts, information products, group training, and mentoring programs that earn rave reviews and big results for my clients and for my own balance sheet year after year.
  • Results and proof are important to my clients, and they are important to me. Why? Because credibility is my secret sauce.

Know-how is a must to keep growing and learning.  Like the scholar I am, I have invested in group leveraged mastermind programs and other trainings with the best in the internet training and personal development industries to acquire and apply the skills and mindset to succeed. 
I’ve built a business I can be proud of.
I have also learned something very personal about my own definition of success. It is not defined first by the number of zeros in my annual income but by the BIG IMPACT I make support others to achieve their big missions. When clients tell me that I helped them find their voices, strengthen their confidence, step into their best work, and make their own big difference, my rewards go a whole lot deeper than how I am paid.  Theirs do, too.


Interested in Chatting about Mentoring with Me in the Fearless Visibility Inner Circle?

Let’s chat. Send me an email at Nancy@authenticvisibility.com, and we’ll schedule a convenient time.
My Bold Promise: You will feel deeply seen, heard, and helped. I will listen carefully and connect with you to understand what you most want to accomplish and offer REAL value.  Fair enough?  Good!
I can’t wait to learn more about YOU and see how we might journey forward together to create big success.

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