1. I used to own a boutique public relations agency in service to big clients, big budgets, and big news. I enjoyed operating my agency from a home office above the garage in suburban Bellevue, Washington. That was BEFORE two home burglaries, a burst pipe flooded the downstairs, and a tree came crashing through the living room ceiling in a windstorm just in time for Christmas a few years ago.


2. With worry for the safety and security of my young family, I convinced my financial planner husband that we needed to move to a new house.


3. The economy tanked just after the new house closed. We couldn’t sell the one we left behind. And my long standing clients decided to cancel their contracts because they were holding on for dear survival themselves in the tough times of The Great Recession. The media and employment landscape seemed to change on a dime, too.


4. With no rich relatives or deep pockets to draw from, it was a scary time. Fear, self-doubt, and worry sent me to what I call “Pity Party Hotel” and what Oprah calls “The Ugly Cry.” I felt to blame for putting my family in a tough economic spot. Everything I cared about in my life and work seemed to be falling apart … including my marriage.*



5. And then one day, I dried my tears and decided to do something about it. I resolved to create a new and better business that would make the most of my storytelling skills in a new media marketplace. Rather than pitch stories and hope editors would say YES, I decided to serve business owners who needed to make fabulous first impressions so they could get easily found, hired, booked, and referred. Boring Bios were standing in their way, and I could change that to their expert and profit advantage.


It was time to start a Better Business Bio Revolution. And the opportunity to reflect the brilliance of others in ways that they couldn’t do for themselves was a gift I felt compelled to share and teach that stemmed from a wound of my own. I didn’t feel seen, heard, or celebrated in my own life. And here is the gift in that.


We teach what we most need to learn. That makes us brilliant at what we do because we care about it more than anyone else.


So, on a dare from a friend, I wrote a book called “Bye Bye Boring Bio” that quickly became a go-to resource to make boring business bios better for client attraction for thousands of business owners around the world. Book sales saved my bacon at the time when I desperately needed to bring some home.


Bye-Bye Boring Bio


It’s a funny thing. When you are a carpenter with a hammer, everything around you is a nail. I was a publicist who saw every situation as fodder for a press release, a story pitch, a contributed article, or a media interview.


I pitched my book to every media outlet I could find. I wrote columns for two business journals. Radio and TV interviews came, one right after the other — and I needed to get my story together so I could share it at a moment’s notice.


The “Bye-Bye Boring Bio” topic was timely, relevant and useful to former corporate employees who were hanging out their shingles in Free Agent Nation. Step by step, I got known in that old-school-publicist-kind of way that I knew so well.



Then, one day I got invited to do an interview for Christine Kloser’s Transformational Author Experience — and I welcomed 800 opt in subscribers in a matter of hours. Her Transformational Authors bought my book to the tune of $15,000 in a weekend.



The light went on that the base hits of publicity, press releases, blog posts and articles are all fine and good.


And there was nothing quite so intoxicating as seeing thousands of new fans flock to my work with their credit cards because they heard a message from me at the invitation of a joint venture partner that solved a problem that needed relief right away.


Such has been my journey to success, one base hit and joint venture home run at a time, from then to now. Taking my own Get Known to Get Paid advice, I got known for my business bio expertise. And now I get paid for it and get to train business owners around the world how they can, too.


Today, I can proudly say that I am the World’s Leading Business Bio Expert. Just “Google” the term “Business Bio Expert” and you will soon see.


So with all that said, this is my core message, and I hope you will embrace it as truth to you.


Each and every one of us deserves to be seen, heard, celebrated and COMPENSATED for the expertise we bring to market.


Start first with YOUR STORY. Make it relevant to how you serve and the difference you make. And remember that the journey starts with you preparing your story. What happens next depends squarely on how well you SHARE it with the right people who need to hear it and take action because of it.


What I know for sure is that your impact, influence, and income are well within your control, no matter what life accidents may come your way. And that is a mighty powerful place to stand.


That’s my story. What is yours? Find courage to share yours to step up to bigger impact and success. Now is the time.

The Bio Doc is In on June 12. Join me and invite your friends? Click here to claim your place.