There we were, meeting and greeting NAPFA members at the Philadelphia Fall Conference, having a wonderful time … when we got a scary email from a neighbor from our hometown of Bellevue, Washington.

Our garage door was open, and there was broken glass near the front door.

While we were sharing how the Life Goes on Roadmap™ system for personal financial information organization could be a value add for fee-only financial advisors to serve their clients more deeply and bring more Good & Plenty for all, burglars broke windows and locks at our home and stole many valuables that they conveniently carted away with both of our cars.

Just imagine our shock and fear to receive the dreaded “We regret to inform you…” telephone calls from police officers and neighbors while we were 3000 miles from home, alerting us to our misfortune.

Here’s the thing.

Crazy, random, unthinkable things happen every day.

  • Sometimes they happen to you.
  • Sometimes they happen to your family members.
  • Sometimes they happen to your clients.

Situations like our home burglary and its dramatic and riveting aftermath — including finding four guns, drug needles, and a pawn shop ticket for thousands of dollars of stolen goods in one of our cars — strengthen our resolve that we must wave the flag so others get ahead of these kinds of things.

We want families everywhere to avoid some of the hardships that accompany dealing with an unexpected crisis or one of the three D’s — disease, disability or death.

Guiding clients to get ahead of “What If” and “God Forbid” moments before they become hardships is the underlying benefit of bringing Life Goes on Roadmap™ to a fee only financial planning practice.

Every compliance department who has reviewed it so far has approved it.

  • Visit this link to check out how affordable it can be to bring Life Goes on Roadmap™ to your clients to serve them in this value added way.
  • Discover how simple and easy it can be to engage your clients … just by bringing a Life Goes on Roadmap 3-ring binder to every get acquainted or client service appointment. The system truly sells itself!
  • Schedule a chat with me to get your questions answered and explore additional ways you can incorporate this system into your practice to serve your clients and be proud to do so.

Life really does turn on a dime. Getting ahead of these kinds of situations before they become hardships is a gift you can give to every one of your clients to guide them to get ahead of life before drama, trauma or chaos hit close to home.

Yours in service,

Nancy Juetten, Your Get It Done Accountability Guide

Steve Juetten, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional

P.S.  Special pricing is in place through November 18, 2018 for your lifetime license to brand Life Goes on Roadmap™ as your own.  Save $500 by making this wise investment by the deadline.  We’ll be standing by to customize your materials within a few days so you can share this system with your clients in 2019 and for the lifetime of your successful fee-only financial planning practice.

P.P.S. We’ve tested and proven this system to earn raves from hundreds of families and earned the endorsement of Garrett Planning Network Founder Sheryl Garrett, consumers, and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professionals around the world. Together we can wave the flag for a very practical kind of empowerment for the New Year that gives your clients an important win to celebrate that can bring peace of mind to all when it really counts.  Join us!

#CFP #NAPFA #LifeGoesonRoadmap #feeonlyfinancialplanner