Trends.  Every reporter, editor, blogger, business owner, and consumer wants to know what they are and what they mean for the New Year.  When you put your product, service, idea, or cause in the context of a trend gathering speed, you are one step closer to inviting media interest in your story and having the opportunity for your story to carry far and wide through the power and impact of do-it-yourself publicity.

I asked a few of my influential colleagues and friends to join with me in an email brainstorm about upcoming trends, and the result of that effort is here for your reading pleasure.  If there are major trends missing that need to be added, post a comment to this blog so your ideas will be heard.  And if you have a blog of your own, why not invite your readers to chime into this conversation.  It could help us all!

What’s out and what’s in according to Kathie Nelson of Connectworks:

Trial and error – Proven processes and systems

Multi tasking – Strengths and focus

Re-creating the wheel – Duplicating what works

Going it alone – Working with mentors or a mastermind group

Pride/arrogance – Humility

What’s  out and what’s in according to Lori Richardson:

Business with a little thought – Business planning

Selling – Solving

Some follow up – Consistent follow up

Good intentions – Accountability partner

Same old business – Creativity in business

Value – Crystal clear value

Computer – iPhone

What’s out and what’s in according to Betsy Talbot:

Being a maverick – working together

Preaching – Teaching

Generalist – Specialist

Plastic bags – Canvas totes

Material gifts – Shared experiences

Spending wildly – Spending wisely

TV entertainment – Online entertainment

Maintaining – Training

Watching your money grow – Watching your money

What’s out and what’s in according to Whitney Keyes:

Advertising – Communication

Customer service – Customer connection

Email – Phone calls

Blogs – Podcasts

High End – Mid Range

Competition – Collaboration

Niche – Integration

Price – Value

And here are a few suggestions of my own:

Bling – Bling without too much ka-ching

Borrow – Boot Strap

Bush – Barack Obama

Conspicuous consumption – Cheap chic

Dining out – Dining in

Extravagance – Essential

Full service – Self service/DIY

Gourmet – Pot luck

Luxury – Affordable luxury

More is better – Less is more

On the town – In the house/cocooning

Vacation – Staycation

Again, post your ideas and comments to this blog, and let’s have some fun putting our own stories in the context of all the trends that are gathering speed in what promises to be a most interesting year for us all.