My good friend, colleague, and co-collaborator Zita Gustin had a great teleseminar about how to be the go-to person in your field. I’d like to offer that audio file to you as my gift.

Just download the file via this link and listen in for useful tips to support your own quest to become the expert in your field:

I invite you to share this audio file with people you know who are curious about how to build the buzz about their expertise.

If you have comments to share, please post them to this blog. I’d love to know how this information serves you.

Speaking of which, would you have interest in attending a half-day workshop on the nuts and bolts of doing your own publicity? I am thinking about offering something like this in October and November and would love to learn your biggest areas of interest so I can create the perfect format to meet your needs. Let me know your thoughts!

Make today a great day!