Your wealth resides in your list, so say the internet experts who know this to be true. This I do not doubt. And, I most definitely can relate to those who are earlier along their path to success who haven’t yet figured out how to set up an opt-in page, don’t know why they should, and feel confused about what to offer as a free gift besides.
For the longest time, my company was a fee-for-service public relations agency serving quality corporate clients with great stories to tell. My business grew mostly by word of mouth referral. And the projects I was invited to contribute to had significant budgets and scopes over time to keep me in billable hours indefinitely. If I needed a new client, I would mention it to one already in the house, and a new client would soon appear.
Then, the marketplace changed. The economy took a turn. The media changed. And I found myself in the middle of a major business reinvention that caused me to shift my focus away from the corporate clients I used to serve and apply my focus toward authors, speakers, coaches, and those on a mission to make their own marketplace magic under their “solopreneur” power. All at once, the need to establish and grow a new list of fans, followers, advocates, and colleagues took on great importance. My livelihood depended on it.
And, when I came to this realization, I had only 185 names on my list. That is a humble place to start. Today, the size of my list is thousands better, the people who are on the list are the people I am here to serve, and my business is stronger than ever.
And, because I’ve learned from those internet experts, I grew my list by 3000 during the month of January this year, and things just continue to grow from there.
If you want to learn best practices for growing your list, expert help is one Irresistible List Building Summit away. You can learn from industry greats including Lisa Sasevich, Robert Allen, Christine Kloser, Vrinda Normand, and many others from the convenience of your laptop computer. And, I am proud to be among the experts who will be sharing tips. My voice has particular value for those who are feeling “less than” because their lists may not be as mighty as the big players. I have “been there, done that, got the t-shirt” AND I learned to be a valued joint venture partner to power players anyway. You can, too.
It all starts tomorrow and runs through April 6, 2012. Register today so you can sit at the feet of the best list building wisdom assembled for 2012 and apply best practices to grow yours. It’s free to listen. It’s priceless to benefit.