Get Known to Get Paid "Message to Clients" VIP Day with Nancy Juetten:

Get Known to Get Paid Message to Clients VIP Day with Nancy Juetten:

Craft Your Magnetic Marketing Message in an Afternoon So You Can Attract Clients Everywhere You Show Up …

NancywithOleanderHi Coach, Author, Speaker and Change Maker:
Do you need to create revenue for your newer business, but feel frustrated that your marketing message is lack luster instead of blockbuster?
I have great news for you.
In one glorious day together, we can solve that problem so you can get on with the business of serving even more of your ideal clients.

YOUR Message to Clients VIP Day with Me:

This is an intimate, connected day of conversation, eye-opening education, and getting things done. The focus is exclusively and squarely on you.
There is no getting lost in the crowd. This is your special VIP day.  It is especially a welcome experience if you are someone who is thoughtful, sensitive, and smart who gets a bit overwhelmed with the big, huge live event format so typical these days.

Get Seen, Heard, Celebrated and COMPENSATED!

Let’s prepare your story so you can SHARE it with more of your perfect clients.

Could This Special Training Be IDEAL For You?

This VIP training is designed specifically to serve business owners – authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, and change makers — who need a better way to say what needs to be said.

All About YOU Training – Just the Two of Us

This training is ALL ABOUT YOU.
We’ll work together one-on-one to name and claim your profitable niche market and craft a message that captures the specific, terrific results your ideal client can expect to welcome with you as their expert guide.
It’s intimate, connected, and focused squarely on guiding you fast on the path to message mastery and client attraction for good and profit sooner versus later.
My clients say they love working with me because the coaching and training across the real or virtual kitchen table feels so good and so right for their way of taking in information.   And the great thing about that is that this is how I love to work best, too.


Here I stand with one of my top performing VIP clients — Dr. Susan O’Malley.

I’d love to pose for a similar photo with you after we celebrate all the “aha” moments that will change your revenue generation game forever for the better with heart and smarts.


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This will be just you and me, rolling up our sleeves to create those “aha” moments that can open your eyes and clarify your message. It is literally cause for celebration. You can feel safe asking me the basic and more advanced questions. I promise to you the best I have to offer with my full heart, along with real case studies and examples from my own experience to ignite your enthusiasm and inspired, imperfect action.

Your special day is delivered in an intimate, exclusive VIP Day format we can schedule in person at my home, by Skype, Google Hangout, or even old-fashioned telephone call.

This training also offers abundant content, coaching and community you can consume at the pace that is perfect for you – now and forever because you enjoy lifetime access.

Why Me?

Since writing the book — Bye-Bye Boring Bio — in 2009 on a dare from a friend, I’ve made quite a name for myself as The Business Bio Expert.
Aspiring and thriving luminaries have used my “Better Bio Now” tools, training, and group programs to transform their marketing messages from ‘meh’ to ‘magnificent’ to attract better clients at first glance.
I’d be delighted to spend a day with you so you can welcome the same benefit.
Your VIP Day Experience includes:

  1. An intimate VIP Day with me to work specifically on your profitable niche market and client-attracting message that will pay off for you. In person, by Skype, Google Hangout, Instant Teleseminar, or phone call — it’s your choice!
  2. Eye-Opening Education, Tools, Templates, and Training, including:
  3. Access to the Get Your Client Attracting Story Done Virtual Workshop Audio Training
  4. Your copy of the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook
  5. 147 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Business and Profit from Free Publicity
  6. You also gain access to the carefully curated Get Known Get Paid Online Success Library. It is packed with scores of audio trainings and other support to specifically and terrifically grow your list, build big buzz, and position yourself as a go-to expert in your niche. You get lifetime access so you can easily put your finger on exactly the training you need exactly at the time you are ready to apply it without overwhelm.
  7. A Pre-VIP-Day Intention Setting Exercise and a Post VIP Day Follow Up Call are also included to keep you focused and on the path to create the abundant results you imagined from the start.

Is this JV Day with me for YOU?

  • If you want to escape the struggle of naming and claiming your profitable niche …
  • And you want support crafting your client-attracting message so you can attract better clients …
  • This Message to Clients VIP Day with me and the additional resources packed within are absolutely for you!
  • Training is available to just a few serious action takers each month who are prepared to wisely invest to get one-on-one expert support.
  • That is why an intake application and a brief chat are required.
  • We both need to know the fit is right for both of us.
  • I promise to review every submission carefully and be in touch to invite the perfectly qualified candidates to join me.

 Apply for your Message to Clients VIP Day with me today.

Request your intake application by entering your name and BEST email address into the box below. You’ll start THINKING BIGGER already!

Then, click on the “Tell Me More” button and everything you need will deliver to your inbox.