“Nancy, thank you for the wealth of information, expertise, insight, support, and chocolate you offered at the retreat in the extraordinary setting of your beautiful home. I am agog at the materials you provided and the self-directed agenda I’ve come away with. I was inspired, uplifted, enriched and exhilarated from the company and ideas of the other powerful, creative women at the event. I’ve come away with a practical task list, both short-term and long-term, for my project that feels enticing and do-able. I am ecstatic to have a wealth of resources and experts at my fingertips to guide me along the way.Thank you for all that you are, and for all that you continue to be!”
– Nina Durfee – Co-Founder of Wisdom Well Retreats for Mid-Life Women (website coming soon!)
“Spending an afternoon with Nancy is truly transformative. My intention was to get publicity NOW. What I discovered to be more powerful than media attention is being clear on my message and my “back end.” Not meaning my derrière but my online “back end” and making intentional small steps to building my credibility and expertise. Nancy not only has the insider information to get you to expert status, she also helps you re-prioritize for greater impact when stepping into the spotlight.”
– Kammie Lisenby, Simply Efficient Personal and Home Organizing
“After just moving back to Seattle last year, I attended Nancy Juetten’s retreat and found the information very helpful as I was growing my business in a new city. Nancy helped me realize that I could get my own business out there myself. There are so many great avenues of information that she shared and I really appreciate the plethora of ideas she gave off the cuff every time one of us had a question. The group dynamic was wonderful too since we were able to share ideas with each throughout the day.”
— Trishann Couvillion
Fire Eyes Photography
Seattle, the Bay Area & the World
“Hi Nancy, Thank you for the outstanding event. I cannot believe how much information you packed into such a short time and the materials given.But better than that, I was very confused about how to start and actually make it all happen. The instant action items are perfect to get going and I now understand the process…and it finally makes complete sense! Thank you especially for your individual attention in helping me apply the principles to my business. Invaluable!”
— Craig Sigl
“I loved the intimacy of this event. Each guest could have his/her issues addressed. I learned three things that I can immediately implement to become a known expert in purposeful profitability.”
— Audrey Godwin, CPA The Godwin Group, PLLC
“As a new business owner, Nancy Juetten has given me the inspiration and confidence I need to launch my business with a ‘walk then run’ approach…I’ll be skipping the ‘crawl first’ phase.”
— Cheryl Michaels The Color Coach
“We knew tea was good for our health. Now those lucky enough to spend time with Nancy know her retreat is good for our business.”
— Regina Glenn Pacific Communication Consultants Inc
“It’s about time someone realized that small businesses need exposure, but can’t afford it through traditional means. You have armed us with some nuts and bolts to make a difference in our businesses. This is very useful to all business owners. Many are in their first years, when marketing is vital, but money is tight.”
— Lisa Pike ScribeRight Transcription Agency
“The information presented introduced new ideas and reignited many dusty recommendations from past forays into the publicity arena. You managed to corral some wonderful simple and common sense approaches to getting results. Your presentation helped clarify, inspire and gave us the tools to create our individual plan for the results we desire.”
— Craig Weindling Smiley Dog
“Nancy Juetten’s retreat is jam packed with simple-to-implement winning ideas for any small business owner ready to take their first dip into the publicity pool. Nancy’s generous spirit and willingness to share insider secrets will inspire you to get into action today. Put the power of publicity to work and watch your business soar.”
— M. Sharon Baker, Freelance Writer
“Nancy’s knowledge and enthusiasm for advising the small business owner are limitless! I left the seminar with a concrete, 5-step plan I could immediately implement for our company to be seen, heard and celebrated in the media. I’m excited about the synergy developed with the other participants and look forward to participating in this energizing “think tank” again soon!”
— Laurie Lamoureux,Chief Box Opener, Out of the Box Unpacking Service,
“It was a casual setting, and Nancy helped me understand the secret to setting myself apart from other people who are in similar lines of work. The seminar rocked. I got lots of new inspirations. It shook the cob webs out. Nancy was an informative and approachable speaker. She gave each person individual time, too.”
— Trish Nerney Eastside Uptown Girl Seattle Post Intelligencer Reader Blogger
“Nancy, you are as handy as a pocket in a shirt, and a wonderful resource to have at my fingertips.”
— Don Burrows
“Enthusiastic, personable, power-packed five hours with media maven Nancy Juetten was fabulous. Nancy, one of Seattle’s most valuable treasures, imparted her knowledge with humor and materials to get me started toward achieving my goals of greater publicity.”
— Kay Zatine Windemere Real Estate
“I’ve been in public relations for 20 years and have never been fond of publicity work. Nancy’s retreat provided the information, inspiration and motivation so now I’m ready to jump in with both feet on behalf of my clients who have great stories to tell.”
— Peg Witham, APR Peg Witham Consulting, Inc. Kirkland, Washington
“This retreat could well be the watershed for my new copywriting business. The material Nancy provides is certain to take me from start-up to profitable in one quantum leap. I can’t wait to get started.”
— Mike Schwagler Copywriter-in-Chief Write for Sales Copywriting
“I expect this information will take my business to the next level!”
— Lorayne Ham
“Nancy is so full of excitement and knowledge as to how publicity will do the trick to growing your business. Thank you for sharing.”
— Trishann Couvillion Fire Eyes Photography
“The retreat was an excellent investment of my time and money. Nancy’s workshop provided everything I need to launch a publicity campaign: tips, proven strategies, enthusiasm, common sense, and lots of laughter. I will definitely use the takeaway tools, especially the examples of successful pitches to media contacts.”
— Lynn Gaertner-Johnston, Founder Syntax Training: Tools for Better Business Writing
“If you are tired of wasting your advertising budgets, Nancy’s session is a great way to evaluate now PR could launch your lead generation.”
— Rose Smith The Alternative Board
“Definitely valuable and worth more my time and money. Value-added for sure. I was feeling overwhelmed before I came in. I am leaving with a very clear sense of direction and the steps I need to take to get there.”
— Robin Daly Daly’s Paint & Decorating
“I highly recommend this 5-hour immersion in practical publicity education by warm, entertaining Nancy. I walked away with a world of information to act on now.”
— Deborah Shields Soulstar Healing Arts
“Nancy has a warm, generous spirit that under girds the whole info-packed presentation. I feel informed and encouraged both as a business owner an an individual. Thanks so much, Nancy!”
— Margit Crane
The Gifted-Teen Coach, LLC Author of the forthcoming book, Gifted with AD/HD:
Insider Strategies to Increase Your Child’s Happiness and Success
“Wow! What a bang for the buck. I felt like Nancy was consulting with me personally. Plus, there were nine other professionals to add ideas.”
— Darla Schild
“Nancy is an energized, enthusiastic presenter who knows her material. The information was practical and well-organized. I left this session ready to get started.”
— Annie Skipper Eastside TM Program
“I value Nancy’s friendly and approachable style, combined with her willingness to really help. She really personalized her advice in a comfortable environment. She is energetic, articulate, and very helpful. I feel enlightened.”
— Dianne Cumberland
“Thank you so much for the fabulous training. I was honored to be a member of the inaugural training session. You are amazingly talented with a very generous and genuine spirit. I’ve met many other people in the PR field. Your knowledge and willingness to share what and who you know never cease to amaze me. I already recommend you to anyone looking for a PR specialist and will continue to do so.Your training was a 5+ in every category listed on the evaluation…”
— Marcia Brixey, Founder & President Money Wise Women Educational Services
“Just a short note to say; too often, good efforts go unrecognized. The information and contributions shared provided me with the incentive I need to hit all the targets at which I’m aiming.”
— Coyle Jefferson II John L. Scott-LST
“This PR session offered by Nancy was worth many times the price she charged and the time I invested: I came away with valuable tools to get started right away plus new enthusiasm to implement them and met other attendees who have interesting businesses, as well. I highly recommend the Publici-Tea™ to anyone wishing to take their business to the next level to attend this worthwhile program.”
— Kristi A Mandt, CFP® Millikin Mandt Associates, Inc. KMS Financial Services, Inc.
“Nancy’s boundless enthusiasm and expertise are priceless. I am leaving with an enormous amount of motivation and the tools to assist me in reaching my goals.”
— Misha Anderson, Founder of Body Evolution,
“Nancy offers a wealth of information, invaluable for every small business owner.”
— Shannon Wright, Original Basket Boutique,
“I would gladly recommend this speaker and this event to others. Nancy has such heart that emanates to be in service to her participants that I know only good things will happen.”
— Anna Choi, Inside Out, Valued Based Financial Planning,
“Nancy is a drink from a fire hose. She has a wealth of invaluable information that every business owner needs.”
— Doug Peterson, Business Development Group, Inc.