There is a huge joint venture in progress that has 70 big internet entrepreneurs involved. 

We are all beating the drum for Callan Rush for good reason.  She is a master trainer who guides workshop, retreat, and seminar leaders to successfully and profitably deliver their messages to change the world. That is a drum I’ll gladly beat because I believe in the mission, have studied her work, and know that she can make a huge difference for the people I serve.

And that means that everyone on the partner lists is getting pretty much the same email copy to share with their tribes to invite interest and engagement.

Yesterday, I received several comments from people from my own tribe.  They said that the perceived those emails as “spam” and wouldn’t open them. I think that is pretty strong, but that’s what they said. And, they wrote to me to say they opened my email in a sea of sameness  because it offered a distinct and authentic message. One reader said it was a courageous message. Their comments were heart-felt. And that did my heart good.

I am a huge fan of getting known. And these joint venture campaigns certainly bring the name of the featured expert center stage in a big way. That gets a whole lot of people talking.

It also sets the stage for that expert to offer real value in the short term and ultimately get paid when the time comes.  This is provided that the expert makes a winning invitation to provide a quality solution to a serious problem that is giving a great many frustrated workshop, retreat, and seminar leaders serious grief.

The results are where the rubber meets the road, which is why joint venture partnerships continue to hold favor among so many internet entrepreneurs — including me.

Let me be clear. I am in the mix, right there with them, because reaching more people with my own message is important and influential, and the math does work out. But, at what expense?

Math has never been my strong suit. Words are my favorite currency.  I may not have the answers, but I can ask the questions and invite your replies at a time when so many of us are thinking about this.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on these questions:

  • How do you react when you receive the same email in your inbox from multiple sources?
  • Does this powerful influx compel you to pay more attention or less?
  • Does this improve or take away from the way you feel about the expert?
  • Does this influence the actions you intend to take?
  • If you had a wish about how this could be done differently or better, what would it be?
  • And if the message travels across a news wire to reach hundreds of media outlets as news with the potential to reach people beyond the lists to which so many of us subscribe, is that better? Or do you consider that spam, too?

I think this could be a very juicy conversation.  Won’t you join in and comment?  Can’t wait to read what you have to say.