Ghosts, goblins and other frights are stirring for Halloween, and it’s all in good fun.

Sometimes, real life can be scary, too.

When three women I love were faced with sudden disease, divorce, and death in the same week, their financial lives were undone in an instant.

I was stunned, shocked, and scared that I could be next!
That inspired me to take action to get my own act together.

My husband Steve and I spent a rainy day huddled next to our computer as we took turns entering important information that would give either of us power, access and control over our financial lives, just in case something random or crazy should happen.

We found answers to these questions and so many more.

How can I access the investment accounts?
Where are the passports?
What are the passwords?
Let’s inventory the valuables!
You want to do what when it’s your time to go?

The best part was the conversations we started about what we want the rest of our lives to be about and what adventures we can’t wait to take.

We were so inspired that we created a system and a structure to support other families to do the same thing.

Since April of 2018, Life Goes On Roadmap™ has helped thousands of families organize their important financial information and documents so they have power, access and control, no matter what tomorrow brings We’ve helped start a lot of very timely and valuable conversations.

And we have some timely, good news that comes in perfect timing to inspire you to do the same thing!

Special Holiday Savings are in place now through New Year’s Day 2020 so you can give Life Goes On Roadmap™ to yourself and your loved ones and enjoy the $50 savings. Whether you buy gifts at the last minute or plan ahead, the digital or physical version of our system are ready to serve you and those you love.

Our Ready Set Retire Quiz is available anytime for free to calm any fears you may have about whether or not you can retire from your corporate job within the next five years.

We have a brand new website that shares our story, just in case you want to learn more about the mission we’re fighting for and how you can play a part in it.

Let us be the resource you count on for getting your act together, planning for your abundant retirement, and holding you accountable for taking the right steps to get the job done so real life can be more of a treat than a fright. – Life Goes On Roadmap gifts – retirement quiz – our new website