Right about now, business owners are figuring how how to honor their employees, vendors, and best customers to celebrate the season. One of my blog readers wrote in to share an idea worth repeating.

Nancy Stewart Campbell of Therapeutic Resources writes, “I want to reward our employees at our annual dinner at a nice restaurant. Although the employees really look forward to this each year, I felt somewhat guilty spending the money that I could be donating to a charity. Then I came up with the idea of doing both. I am going to donate the same amount I will spend on the dinner to the food bank.  I think this is a good way to reward the employees and help the community at the same time.”

Thanks Nancy for the great suggestion that is sure to inspire other business owners to follow your lead to give to others in multiple ways with one special effort.

And, business owners who want to help themselves build buzz and encourage women newly diagnosed with breast cancer with the convenience of online shopping can give Publici-Tea™-TO-GO! Publicity Gift Bundles and accomplish both goals with ease.   Visit this link to learn more and buy. By the way, the press release I issued about these gift bundles via PR Web last week has contributed mightily to new visits to that site.  I just got a fabulous email from a recipient of this gift that empowers do-it-yourself publicity success, and here is what she had to say about it:

Heidi Richards Mooney“Nancy, first let me say that I returned from my trip to San Diego to find a wonderful package from you.  I love the way you have put it together and know it is going to be a smashing success!   Thanks so much for all you do.  I will be writing about Publici-Tea™-TO-GO! Gift Bundles on my blog as well as in WE Magazine.  Have a wonderful December.”

Heidi Richards Mooney, WECAI

WECAI stands for Women’s E-Commerce Association International.  This organization helps women do more business on and off the web.  Check out this robust website with useful tools to empower your success and open up the world of Internet opportunity for you and your business!