Today I debut a new HOME PAGE for the website to better serve YOU. The new design is all about solving the challenges that aspiring podcast guests struggle with and offering solutions to meet those needs. You are invited to take a look. Visit right now..  

The Story Brand Method by Donald Miller was the inspiration to create this transformation — especially after dialing in and up-leveling my programs and services in a big way over the last year. It’s amazing the level of message clarity that comes into clear focus when the right clients get on the bus to welcome the results you promise and more.

If you forgot what the page looked like before, below is a BEFORE and AFTER screen shot.  The AFTER is on the right.

I tip my hat to Maggie Isley. She’s the graphic designer I hired to create this transformation. She also created the designs for the invitation pages for the Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp and the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook.  She’s amazing to work with and earns my highest recommendation.

Now it’s time to turn my attention to guiding successful service professionals to book themselves on more of the right podcasts — without hiring an expensive booking agency or letting the technology or overwhelm take them out. If that message speaks to you, let’s connect and do business.


Have you seen our new home page? We designed it for YOU!