If you could share your message with 4,000 radio station producers in one paragraph, what would you say that would make your message jump off the page and invite more of the right kinds of on-air conversations? Here is what the copywriter for Radio TV Interview Report and I came up with to tell my story:

Tired of Being a Well Kept Secret?

There’s been a mass exodus of people fleeing cubicle nation. 27 million people have broken free to make it on their own and many more are ready to follow them. For those people, there is nothing more important than a winning bio that will have people not only saying yes, but wow! DIY Publicity expert Nancy Juetten says you shouldn’t be afraid to reveal who you are on your social network page and she’ll share how to use that to your advantage. You’ll learn how to tell your story and make it memorable, remarkable and repeatable and connect with the people you need to know. Nancy is a publicist, newspaper columnist, DIY publicity blogger, speaker, and the creator of the popular Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide. Contact her at (425) 641-5214 (WA), nancy@nsjmktg.com.

DIY Publicity Challenge of the Day – Follow this format to create YOUR radio pitch that puts your expertise in a timely, newsworthy, relevant, and interesting perspective that will appeal to your ideal customers right now.

– Come up with a catchy headline that is relevant right now.
– Share data that makes clear why the issue at hand is important right now.
– Offer your credentials as an engaging expert who is well qualified to ease the pain at hand.
– Make it easy for the decision maker to get in touch to schedule an interview with you.
– And double check the accuracy of the phone number and email address so there is never an issue about making a winning connection.

It’s not as easy as it looks, but it is well worth the exercise to get to the meat of the matter of what makes you special and media-worthy right now. I’ll keep you posted about what happens with my own radio pitch.   Wish me luck!   And, if you have suggestions to make it even better, I am all ears.

And, if you would like me to speak to your professional association, business group, or upcoming conference or to host a teleseminar on this topic, let’s chat!  I am on a mission to banish boring bios and wake up decision makers fast to bring better results for all and can’t wait to spread the good news.