Henry DeVries, founder of the New Client Marketing Institute, made me grin when he first made reference to the term “R&D.” The definition? Rob and duplicate. He said, “Why reinvent the wheel. Follow a format that works.” Makes sense to me. So, here is my Momprenuer profile that I submitted to www.themomtobedepot.com for editorial consideration. I just answered the questions in a compelling way. Now, I am waiting to learn if my story will be selected for feature. Read on and learn a bit more about how my business took root, and then put pen to paper to craft your own story for consideration.

a. What is your name? Nancy S. Juetten

b. What is your age? 46

c. What is the name of your company? Nancy S. Juetten Marketing Inc.

URL of web site? authenticvisibility.com

d. When was your company founded? February of 2001

e. How was your company funded? (If you want to share start-up costs, feel free, but not required). I funded my company start-up with personal savings to purchase a computer, fax machine, and business cards.

f. What does your company do? I help small business owners get seen, heard, and celebrated in their own backyards and beyond through the power and impact of free publicity. Some businesses retain my services, and quite a few purchase the Authentic Visibility line of do-it-yourself information products ( www.localprforme.com ) so they can learn how to earn the “ink and the air” without spending a fortune or spinning their wheels. Still others participate in my half-day Publici-Tea™ ( www.publici-tea.com ) training events during which I share insider secrets to help others unlock the power of free publicity to advance their own businesses.

g. How/Why did you come up with this idea?

I started my business with the goal to earn enough money to buy better groceries. Soon, I was working with top companies including Fran’s Chocolates Ltd., TalkingRain Beverage Company, and Oberto Sausage Company, and I was too busy to cook. I have always felt a passion for helping small business owners, and it occurred to me that they didn’t have many affordable, accessible ways to get their stories told. In July of 2006, I created the Authentic Visibility line of information products to help others enjoy more local publicity success with greater ease. In November of 2007, I created and launched the Publici-Tea™ half-day training events to be of service in deeper ways in a group setting. It is rewarding to help others help themselves, and the comments people share about my products and training events are glowing. I know moving in this direction has been the right decision for me, my business, and my family. You can read more about me at this link: /about

h. Where is your product/service sold? (list brick and mortar stores, web sites, etc.)

My products are sold at the DIY Publicity Store at my blog, which can be found at authenticvisibility.com .

i. What is the best piece of advice someone gave you about starting your own business?

Have fun. Make money. One without the other isn’t good enough. This sound advice came from my CPA.

Another piece of stellar advice came from a treasured client, Bill Fritsch, a 30-year veteran of the advertising business. He said to decide if I wanted to be a big or small company, and that every decision I would need to make after that would flow from that decision. I was driving down the highway one day and heard a promotional announcement for a Broadway show called “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.” It was an ‘aha’ moment for me. I decided then and there that I would be the best little PR and PR information products company in Bellevue, WA. I have kept my focus on that intention since then, and it has served me and my clients very well.

j. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned or advice you would like to give others that might want to start their own business?

Oprah Winfrey said, “Surround yourself with only those who are going to lift you higher.” This is sage advice that has also served me very well. I would also offer that the best way to network with others is to lead with how you can be of contribution to others’ success. See, hear, and celebrate the intentions and aspirations of others, and people will always remember you well and be happy to recommend you and your services to others.

k. Does your company support any causes? If so, what are they? My company provides pro bono publicity services to causes that speak to my heart. For example, when a neighbor suffered a tragic accident that left him a quadriplegic, I worked with the local media to draw attention to a benefit to raise money to remodel his home to accommodate his very special needs. I give time and funds to the Bellevue Schools Foundation so my 10-year-old son Kyle and all his classmates can benefit from the extraordinary resources and tools this organization makes possible to advance their education.