If you offer products to the marketplace and donate a portion of your profits to a non profit organization, consider submitting your products for feature on Uptown Liz.  This is a retail philanthropy site created by Ramona Russell in memory of her sister Elizabeth “Liz” Overturf, who died from breast cancer at 28 years old.  It was founded to promote products from companies whose proceeds directly give back to charitable organizations.  You can shop on this one-of-a-kind Website by charitable cause or product category, knowing that every time you make a purchase, you are making a difference. This site gets over 200,000 hits and over 18,000 page views a month.  That is a lot of potential eye balls to be learning about how you and your business give back to charitable causes.  Here is the link to learn how to submit your products for consideration.  Valentine’s Day is just days away.  Shop here first.  It will do your heart — and your favorite cause — a whole lot of good!