Great news.  Guests who attend the 10-16 Publici-Tea™ Express Workshop at Seattle Design Center will benefit from even more value than is already packed into the program.  That is because local authors including Maria Ross, Lori Richardson, and Hoan Do are offering gift copies of their books to guests who are lucky enough to have their business cards drawn on event day.

  • Maria Ross wrote Build Your Own Brand Strategy in 10 Easy Steps — And Why You Need One Now.
  • Hoan Do wrote Succeeding in the Real World
  • Lori Richardson wrote 50 Ways in 50 Days: Inspiration and Tips to Fiercely Energize Your Business and Score More Sales.
  • By event day, I know I’ll have even more high value gifts from prominent local and national authors to share.
  • And, event guests will also enjoy custom label Publici-Tea™ Express dark chocolate bars from Seattle Chocolate Company.   Must be present to indulge!
  • Plus, register early and benefit from early registration gifts.  The 20 guests to register by Friday, October 2 receive the Authentic Visibility Publicity Tips eBooklets (a $10 bonus value) that offer 147 powerful ways to profit and boost business through the power of free publicity.
  • So much value is waiting for you at Publici-Tea™ Express.  Isn’t it time to get over being a well kept secret and get into action to ease that pain now?  Publici-Tea™ Express is a great event that offers delicious and business building rewards that will serve you and your business success in a powerful way.   Register today.