It’s such a treat to work with remarkable people with compelling stories to tell.  Today I am happy to share the newly created story I created for Shelley Miller.  She’s up to big things in the arena of home exchange.   If you need to learn more about this relevant and affordable way to experience the world, she’s the expert to call. 

 Home Exchange Expert Shelley Miller Says, "World Peace is Possible, One Home Exchange at a Time."

Shelley Miller’s journey to happiness began with a desire to break free from the American middle class rut in which everyone wears watches, but no one has any time. Home exchange served as her vehicle of choice to navigate a world of welcome and wonderful ways to establish enduring bonds with her son, daughter and husband. As they traveled and lived together in homes and neighborhoods across Europe, she learned that everyday moments experienced in extraordinary places were the gifts that allowed her to kick the rut of her prior life to the curb forever.

After being locked in a London loo, accused of vandalism in Germany, and threatened by gypsies in Italy, Shelley’s most abiding lesson learned during five domestic and international home swaps is that world peace is within reach, one home exchange at a time. Love, connection, and compassion for others come alive while serving as caretakers to the spaces others call home.

The author of the forthcoming book Postcards from Home: One Family, Five European Home Exchanges, Five Months, Shelley’s manuscript earned a Conference Choice Award from the San Diego State University Writers’ Conference in 2012. Through her book, blog, media contributions, and speaking engagements, Shelley share stories, resources, and insights to guide fans and followers to follow their wanderlust to experience the most rewarding experiential travel adventures of their lives. Today Shelly is THE go-to expert families rely upon to learn the keys to unlock home swap as their ticket to experience the world as locals rather than tourists by trading spaces instead of dollars. Home swap is a timely, relevant and horizon-expanding way to experience the world with an open mind that works in concert with today’s new and enduring appreciation for frugality.

Shelley wants families everywhere to know that they can enjoy longer and more frequent travel adventures together through home exchange. It’s not a matter of wondering and wishing for more travel. The most relevant question to ask is where to travel next.

About Shelley:

Born in New Jersey, raised in Nebraska, and Colorado, and a homeowner, wife, and mother of two who has lived in Texas, Hong Kong, and California, Shelley’s passion is traveling the world with her family and enjoying free accommodations. Shelley earned a Bachelor of Art degree in journalism from Colorado State University and a Master of Science degree in executive leadership from the University of San Diego. While serving as executive director for the Red Cross, she contributed to disaster relief efforts in her own backyard and well beyond international borders. Shelley honed her writing skills working in public relations and communications for Coca-Cola Bottling Company and First Texas Bank and served as the executive director for the Red Cross. She also worked in the niche market of book publicity under the tutelage of master publicist Arielle Ford.