Virtual training events are a big part of my work. I lead teleclasses and webinars often for groups of inspired entrepreneurs who want to learn how to say bye-bye to those boring bios and get known to get paid for their winning ways.  And, filling those events can be challenging.

The same can be said for making sure the right people take their place at LIVE events.

You try a lot of things to get the mission accomplished.

And sending emails to your list is a tried-and-true method.

But how many emails is enough?  And how many emails is too many?

It can be a delicate balance.

Last January, I attended a training event at which this question was addressed from the stage in a way that just made good sense to me.

What was the answer?

== You can send as many emails as you feel best serves and educates your audience.

== Put enough real value in the message, and you can reach out to your tribe as often as you like.

That insight caused me to THINK DIFFERENTLY about how to serve my community in perfect timing.

At the time, there were four days remaining until my next Worldwide Virtual Get Your Client Attracting Story Done Workshop was to take place.  I had a good group of perfect clients already enrolled at the stated tuition, and I wanted to see about adding additional students to the program.

En route home to Bellevue, WA from the training that had taken place in Vancouver, Canada, I got inspiration to create a new education based marketing email that offered an important distinction that I felt my audience needed to understand.  It was all about the difference between a trust building story and a client attracting bio and why it matters.  The email was packed with eye-opening education.  And it concluded with an invitation to enroll in the next workshop to start days later.

So what was the RESULT of that email?

== Twenty-eight NEW clients invested the modest tuition for the workshop to participate just four days later!  

The trainer who taught me the lesson I just shared with you now was the teacher I invested into to learn even more from to make my virtual training business the best it could be.  I invested in Callan Rush’s Magnetize, Mesmerize, and Monetize training.  And the 28 new clients I invited to do business with me represented return on my investment just four days after completing the first training.  And the results continue to flow in my business.  

For 2014, my revenues are up 30% and my confidence has never been stronger.

EventFillingBlueprintOver the next few days, you’ll be receiving invitations to consume a special Live Event report, event filling blueprint, and Callan’s best-selling book — Wealth Through Workshops. These are all free gifts to acquaint you with powerful information you can apply to fill your live or virtual events, serve your audience more powerfully, and design and deliver your programs with authenticity and impact.  

My recommendation based on my own stellar business transformation as a student of her methods is to consume all of this information without delay. 

And, should enrolling in Magnetize, Mesmerize, and Monetize be what you need to welcome a 30% or better growth in your revenues or something even better, just say YES and take action on what you learn.

Given the challenges we all encounter with filling events and the important impact we can make through the work we do, there comes a time when NOT making the best impact possible seems like a tremendous waste of time and talent.

That is when it is time to learn new skills to turn the tide for the better.

When the disappointment and aggravation around events filled less than capacity got to a point where I couldn’t deal with it a moment longer, this student was ready to learn and the right teacher appeared.My business is so much better for it.

If Callan is your teacher, you’ll know it.  Consume the free education. You just might welcome that single powerful insight you need to change the upward trajectory of your business forever.