It’s true. In 2008 with a list of just 1068, I reached out to a partner I admired, asked how I could support her success, and my game changed as my business grew. And I’ve done that many times since then to create relationships that matter that continue to fuel big success for me and my partners. Truth be told, my most respected competitors have become my best joint venture partners. We create even more powerful offerings TOGETHER in service to those who follow our work, and everyone wins.

That has been among my most powerful strategies. And I continue to expand the circle of fabulous partners to include those with offerings to which my business bio expertise can add real value without competing.

I’ve started with the people I like, know, and trust and grown the circle from there because I am a “relationship” kind of gal — plain and simple. And my list has since grown to the five figures right along with my bottom line results.

Yes, of course, there are other more “techie” ways to expand the circle that I haven’t even begun to try because the personal approach has worked so well for me. Which is not to say that there isn’t more to learn. That is precisely why I am tuning in to an educational webinar coming up on March 27, and I want you to join me.

Now is the time to learn how to master the art of the JV on this free training!

If you’ve ever tried putting together joint ventures of your own, you know two things:

* ONE: Finding people who want to partner with you and promote your products is HARD when you have a small list (and almost impossible when you have no list).

Take heart. I’ve been there and done that. That is why my “give before I get” strategy has paid off big time and turned heads of big players who now are calling my name!

* TWO: Even when you do start building up a respectable list, finding ideal partners is still like finding a needle in a haystack. First, you have to endlessly browse the web looking for people who fit your general criteria.

Then you have to email these strangers, and if you’re lucky enough to get a response, you have to go through the awkward process of finding out if you are a good fit for one another.

In my experience, starting first with my most respected competitors has been the most authentic and perfect place to start. I already know their work, respect it, and know enough about it so that the “fit” from my perspective is crystal clear. That means I can save LOTS of time and invite a real relationship instead of wasting time and feeling the fear of potential rejection.

Joint Venture Experts Rich German and Milana Leshinsky are successful entrepreneurs I admire tremendously.

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They have created a way to get up and running with your own joint ventures — no matter how small your list. And even better, this unique approach takes almost all the rejection, awkwardness, and intimidation OUT of the process. They’re doing a “tell all” live webinar where they’ll be walking you through the whole process.

If you’re interested in building a big list fast, I know you’re going to LOVE what they’ll be revealing:

FREE Webinar: Instant Clients Formula: The Fastest Way to Get More Clients, Sell More Products, And Build a Massive List of Hot Prospects

We all know joint ventures can be incredibly powerful for attracting a TON of hot prospects for your programs and products.

Take a look behind the curtain of any top player’s business and you’ll see joint ventures account for the MAJORITY of new subscribers, clients, and sales.

But until now, the average person with a small list has been locked out of the elite club.

Rich and Milana will show you the “back door” to getting lots of profitable JVs done quickly, that anyone can use to generate 1,000’s of new subscribers, and hundreds of new clients and sales in a matter of months.

FREE Webinar: Instant Clients Formula: The Fastest Way to Get More Clients, Sell More Products, And Build a Massive List of Hot Prospects

If you are a coach, author or speaker with a message you want to share with the masses, this training is for YOU!

Just for showing up you’ll get a $197 business-building tool. Nearly 7000 people are already signed up, so grab your spot NOW!

When you register for the webinar, be sure to watch their very cool free videos that have been shared on Facebook almost 1000 times!

  • Video #1: Fastest Strategy in the World!
  • Video #2: Busting the Competition Myth
  • Video #3: Joint Venture Profit Formula

It’s all inside!