BillBarenNancyJuetten_nWhile in the company of some of the world’s leading luminaries in the professional coaching community, we brainstormed around the best ways to demonstrate that you are an awesome JV partner who has what it takes to even win the big launches.

These and other awesome tips were compiled at a VIP Mastermind in San Diego hosted by Christian Mickelsen and MelindaJustinNancy_nattended by Milana Leshinsky, Bill Baren, Justin Livingston, Ted McGrath, Eva Gregory, Jeanna Gabellini, Lisa Sasevich, Ben Saltzman, Kelly O’Neill, Melinda Cohan, Michelle Schubnel, Lisa Cherney, Rich German, Kim Clausen, Vicki Winterton, Vrinda Normand, Barb Wade, Linda Claire Puig, Jill Lublin,  Christina Hills, Jay Fiset, Morgana Rae Christine Kloser, Bret Gregory, Murray Gray, Steve Olsher,  Brian Whetten, Tiamo De Vettori, Debra Halperin Poneman, Ryan Eliason,, Neil Alcala, Marni Battista, Kristi Joba, Sage Lavine, Jennifer McLean, James Mielnik — and yours truly.

Want to see the list?  Here you go!

  1. Commit 100% to supporting the launch.
  2. Apply FOCUS.  Support one launch at a time.
  3. Do everything you promise.
  4. Add your PLUS FACTOR to exceed your partner’s expectations.  Send a press release that is unexpected.  Make personal phone calls to perfect people to benefit.  Use your imagination to think beyond email to make your best impact.  Run Facebook ads to go above and beyond the call of expectation.
  5. Send encouraging notes to the person launching because launching is not for the faint of heart. Your support will be noticed and appreciated.
  6. Position the expert you are promoting before the launch happens to prime the pump and elevate awareness.  Blog posts and ezine articles can make a difference.
  7. Segment your list.
  8. Resend to Unopens 24 – 48 hours after with a different subject line to reach more people with the message.
  9. Mail to “clickers” more often than those who take no action.
  10. Submit required materials within minutes to make things easy and create a WOW reaction for your interview, telesummit, or webinar host.
  11. Offer awesome, relevant, and congruent bonuses at cart close.
  12. Make referrals to NEW partners to open even more perfect doors.
  13. Personalize “the swipe copy” so your tribe gets a fresh message that reads like it was created just for them.
  14. Proofread your copy, test the links, and — if possible — test the effectiveness of the messages during an internal launch first before going to a partner.
  15. Offer plenty of advance notice of your launch coming up so you best and most preferred partners can plan around it and offer “full court press” and all-in support.
  16. Engage an affiliate/joint venture manager who knows what she is doing.
  17. Update partners on results and reach out to chat and make timely pivots in launch strategy.
  18. Pass along statistics to your partner so the results are clear to all.
  19. Share your learning so their next launch can benefit.
  20. Nurture the long term relationship.
  21. No One Night Stands!
  22. Both give and receive support.
  23. Play BIG in a reciprocal way.RichMilanaBret_n
  24. Drip “swipe copy” to partners to avoid overwhelm and protect against partners sending the wrong message at the wrong time.
  25. Treat the launch as you would your own. 
  26. Don’t issue an ezine to interrupt the campaign. 
  27. Have awesome sales pages that convert.
  28. Leave the cart open for just 3-4 days.
  29. Continue to advance along the path to mastery, leading with service to your tribe with every step you take.
  30. Have fun. Make a difference. Anything else just isn’t good enough.

Do you have additional tips to offer?  Please share.