Aside from delivering brilliant content with authenticity and spirit that can transform lives and businesses, among the most important levers to pull to ensure the success of your next online challenge is to do everything within your power to bring more of the right people to participate.

How do you do that?

Since the next Podcast Visibility Live Lab is gearing up to start on January 24, 2022, all wheels are in motion to attract the right people to participate.

Successful service professionals who are already selling four-figure service packages to their ideal clients are the ideal candidates to benefit from this training.  These are people who need their celebrity stars to rise so they can touch and transform more lives by talking to people they do not yet know through the power of podcast guesting.

Here’s my list of favorite ways to drive participation in my online training events without paid advertising.

  1. Start promoting the event at least 15 days before it is scheduled to start. That means creating excitement for the value coming straight ahead and posting within the Facebook groups I lead, using email and my ezine, posting across social media, and finding ways to share the good news within Facebook groups to which I belong that allow for promotional posts.
  2. Update my call to action buttons across my social media profiles to showcase the link to sign up for the event. That means Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram.
  3. Update the masthead imagery across my social media profiles to showcase the event coming up soon.

  1. Invite prior participants to attend again and invite friends.
  2. Celebrate those who have already registered and invite them to share the good news with friends.
  3. Consider offering an incentive to compel registrants to sign up early. This can be access to a powerful resource that solves a timely problem such as the digital version of the popular Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook. Since we are starting a shiny New Year today, successful service professionals everywhere may be inspired to update their business bios to best reflect the value they bring to their best clients. This much heralded workbook may be compelling for those who want to get this mission accomplished.  Those who sign up for the Podcast Visibility Live Lab by January 10 and who show up live for the training qualify for this digital gift valued at $97.

  1. Invite members of my Facebook group to sign up and also invite friends to join in.
  2. Be sure to acknowledge and reach out to top engagers within the Facebook group to invite their championship and advocacy.
  3. Invite happy clients to advocate for the training.
  4. Invite subscribers to my email list and my ezine to register and invite friends.
  5. Invite current joint venture partners and affiliates to get on board. That means having promotional copy and social media images and posts ready to share and also customize with their unique partner links.


Example Social Media Post:

Podcast guest spots on your 2022 priority list? Join Podcast Guesting Success Expert Nancy Juetten for the next Podcast Visibility Live Lab to learn how to book yourself on the right shows without hiring an expensive booking agency or letting technology or overwhelm take you out.  Perfect for successful service professionals and their assistants.

Register right here:   INSERT YOUR PARTNER LINK HERE

9.Invite NEW joint venture partners to get on board. Do this by reaching out personally to leaders and influencers who would find my program to be a valuable supplement to whatever they offer to their own tribes without it being competitive.

10. When invited to guest on a podcast, train for someone’s Facebook group, or deliver content virtually at the invitation of others, share the call to action to the upcoming event.

11. When delivering my weekly live show, share the call to action before signing off.  By the way, if you are not yet a subscriber, I’d love for you to hit that RED subscribe button so you are first to benefit from the amazing interviews I host with luminaries who have value to add to the Learn More Earn More conversation.

12.Send reminders to all registrants to show up live to benefit from the training the day it is scheduled to start.

So there you have it … my top ways to fill an upcoming training using organic means so the perfect audience is waiting to benefit from every morsel of value I intend to deliver.

Got ideas to add to the mix?  Please comment!  The rising tide lifts all the boats.